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Monday, August 30, 2010

48 PhD Scholarships at IMT Lucca, Italy

IMT Lucca, Italy
Doctoral Programs

Competitions for admission are open in the following Ph.D. Programs at IMT:

Computer Science and Engineering

The Doctoral Program aims at preparing researchers and professionals with a wide knowledge of the foundations of informatics. It seeks to explore applications to a variety of systems that are changing the perspective of other existing technological applications and that are target of very active research in the international scene. The research activity focuses on key aspects of these systems, such as open-endedness, autonomy, resource sharing, security, and concurrency.

Economics, Markets, Institutions

The program seeks to deal with issues in political economy, applied public economics, the functioning of industries and markets, the impact of macroeconomics on productivity and growth.

A distinctive feature of the Ph.D. program is the integration of theoretical, technical, and practical expertise, aimed at educating highly qualified professionals, who analyze, plan, and manage concrete interventions of political economy.

Theoretical methodologies and models are generated and tested, through the systematic investigation of the real world, with a distinctive focus on concrete observation of markets and their actors. At the end of the program, students are able to identify commonalities as well as distinctive characters of economies, markets, and industries.

Management and Development of Cultural Heritage
Ph.D. in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino

The Program aims at formalizing in a consistent multidisciplinary course, the specific know-hows needed by researchers and professionals operating at the highest levels of management of culture. The PhD course focuses on the following disciplines: History and Art History; Economics and Management of immaterial goods; Legislation on Cultural Heritage; Technology. Doctoral students will also be given elements of physics and chemistry, strictly related to the field of conservation and analysis of materials. The PhD program integrates a theoretical approach with technical and practical ones, in order to educate both highly qualified professionals operating in the concrete field of cultural policy and researchers who will be active in the field of cultural heritage.

Political Systems and Institutional Change

The PhD in Political Systems and Institutional Change is a multidisciplinary course which analyses, in a comparative perspective, institutions and their historical, political, sociological, legal and economic features. Special attention will be devoted to processes of institutional change. The PhD aims at forming political analysts able to: plan and manage collaborative and integrated processes at the international level; analyse and assess policies and institutional settings at a supranational, national and regional level; confront the specific problems of countries in transition towards democracy and a market economy.
Duration: 3 years

Language: Courses and seminars are held in English. Foreign Ph.D. students are required to attend an Italian Language and Culture Course.

Classes begin in March 2011.


The deadline for applications is October 28, 2010 at 18:00 (Italian time).
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Erasmus Mundus - IMRD Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus - IMRD Scholarships
The joint International Master in Rural Development (IMRD), part of the European Erasmus Mundus program, offers the opportunity to study the European vision on rural development in its diversity of approaches and applications.

The objective is to train specialists in integrated rural development, focussed on socio-economic and institutional aspects, not only from the European Union but also from developed, developing and transition countries outside the European Union through a 2 year master program (120 ECTS) jointly organised by seven European leading institutes in agricultural economics and rural development.

The Master program is offered by Ghent University (Belgium), Agrocampus Ouest (France), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), the University of Cordoba (Spain), in collaboration with Wageningen University (The Netherlands), the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) and the University of Pisa (Italy). these will be joined by universities in China, Ecuador, India and South Africa.

The methodology consists of a combination of basic and specialised training in technical, economic and social sciences, a case study of one month, an individual master thesis and a high extent of student and scholar mobility.

The minimum graduate admission requirements are:

1. Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years with good overall scores (at least a second class or equivalent, preferably higher) from a university or recognized equivalent. Candidates are expected to have basic science training (demonstrable in the transcripts) in the following fields: (1) mathematics and/or statistics, (2) agronomy and/or biology and/or environmental sciences and (3) social sciences and/or rural development. Candidates who cannot present a combined training of these fields will be evaluated on their aptitude, based on experience and knowledge of these fields, as demonstrated by CV or other evidence.
2. Sufficient language knowledge proven by language certificates. The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. With the exception of those who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) issued by an institution officially recognized by the Flemish Government, applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English. See the language section on the left.

Applicants generally have a Bachelor's degree or a recognized equivalent academic degree of minimum 3 years study in bioscience engineering or agricultural sciences (preferably agricultural economics), in combination with knowledge in environmental sciences, economics, sociology and rural development studies.

Admission decisions are based on a combination of factors, including academic degrees and records, the statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, test scores, language skills and relevant work experience, if any. We also consider the appropriateness of your goals to the IMRD programme. In addition, consideration may be given to how your background and life experience would contribute significantly to an educationally beneficial mix of students.


The first step of the application procedure is an on-line registration and application form. Register in the IMRD database, complete the application form and submit it to the central IMRD secretariat electronically. Make sure you fill in at least all the obligatory fields, add as much additional information as possible and load electronic copies of your documents.

The second step is a hard copy application file, composed of the printed application form and all requested documents (secondary school leaving certificate, higher education diploma(s), including all transcripts of records, language certificate(s), curriculum vita, passport pictures, copy of passport, recommendation letters) by regular or express mail to the IMRD secretariat before the deadline. Download the recommendation letter/reference letter here: Word document.


Contact detail:
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Graduate Student Opportunity in Korea

We are recruiting graduate students (M.S and Ph.D) who are interested in
networked control systems, Industrial networks, and Real-time systems.

Networked System Lab. (NSL: supportsinternational
cooperation with other countries to accelerate the international researches.

If anyone who concerned studies at NSL, we will support their researches and
studies through NSL fellowship and KIT scholarship.

Positions for 2011 are available in our laboratory. Please send CV to D.-S. Kim
(dskim AT

PhD Students
Area: Networked embedded systems, Industrial Networks
Financial support available including living expense and tuition.

MS Students
Area : Electrical and computer engineering, computer science
Financial support available including living expense and tuition

Please contact Prof. Kim ( for more information.

Prof. Dong-Sung Kim
D-108, School of Electrical Engineering, Kumoh National Inst. of Tech.,
Gumi-si, Gyungbuk, S. Korea
Tel: 82-54-478-7471

Networked Systems Lab:
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Friday, August 27, 2010


PPM School of Management kembali menyelenggarakan “The Future Leaders seri 3”, sebuah program pencarian talent untuk menjadi pemimpin masa depan di bidang manajemen bisnis di Indonesia .

TFL 3 merupakan suatu kompetisi untuk memperebutkan 10 beasiswa penuh Prof. Dr. A.M. Kadarman untuk mengikuti program MM Reguler Wijawiyata Manajemen di PPM School of Management.

Melalui program ini, PPM School of Management hendak mewujudkan pembangunan bangsa melalui lebih banyak anak-anak Indonesia yang dapat menikmati pendidikan yang lebih baik.

Persyaratan Peserta:
1. Telah menyelesaikan S1.
2. IPK minimal 3,00 dari skala 4,00.
3. Usia maksimal 25 tahun pada tanggal 28 November 2010.
4. Status tidak menikah.
5. Memenuhi persyaratan administrasi:
o Melengkapi formulir data calon peserta (download)
o Menyertakan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan sebagai data pendukung
§ fotokopi ijasah dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir
o Dari PT NEGERI / SW ASTA : oleh PT terkait
o Dari PT di luar negeri : oleh DI KTI
atau surat keterangan lulus dan transkrip nilai terakhir bagi yang belum diwisuda.
§ fotokopi dokumen-dokumen penunjukkan sebagai pengurus atau anggota dari suatu organisasi atau kepanitiaan,
§ fotokopi dokumen-dokumen penghargaan atas prestasi tertentu,
§ dokumen hasil test bahasa Inggris TOEFL 500 (450 untuk computer based) / IELTS 6 (Preparation TOEFL diperbolehkan)
§ fotokopi tagihan listrik / telepon / PAM
§ fotokopi KTP
§ fotokopi Kartu Keluarga
§ foto seluruh badan ukuran postcard
o Menyertakan surat rekomendasi dari Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi atau Dosen Pembimbing dengan menggunakan format yang sudah ditentukan (download).
o Menyertakan surat pernyataan kesehatan (download).
o Menyertakan surat term and condition (download)
o Menyerahkan karangan ringkas, ketik 1 ½ spasi, dua halaman A4, dengan mengacu pada kelima pertanyaan berikut.
- Pilih satu situasi yang baru terjadi dimana Anda berperan sebagai pemimpin. Gambarkan situasi tersebut secara ringkas dan jelas, gambarkan peran kepemimpinan Anda pada situasi tersebut, dan jelaskan bagaimana efektivitas kepemimpinan Anda serta perubahan apa yang terjadi pada masa itu atau setelahnya.
- Gambarkan tiga prestasi sangat penting yang telah Anda capai dalam hidup dan jelaskan mengapa Anda melihat prestasi tersebut sebagai sesuatu yang sangat penting.
- Gambarkan satu kekecewaan atau kegagalan yang pernah Anda alami. Bagaimana Anda menangani situasi tersebut dan apa yang dapat Anda pelajari darinya?
- Apa yang menjadi rencana karir Anda di masa depan dan mengapa demikian?
- Apakah ada informasi lainnya yang menurut Anda akan bermanfaat bagi Panitia PPM “The Future Leader” dalam mengenal dan mempertimbangkan Anda untuk menjadi salah satu peserta PPM “The Future Leader”? Mohon agar mengemukakan hal ini secara ringkas dan jelas.

Proses pendaftaran:
1. Calon peserta mengirimkan berkas pendaftaran di atas dalam satu amplop ke alamat berikut:
Panitia “The Future Leader”
PPM School of Management
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 9
Jakarta 10340
Berkas pendaftaran harus sudah diterima panitia paling lambat tanggal 22 Oktober 2010.
2. Peserta yang lolos seleksi administrasi akan diumumkan di website PPM pada tanggal 6 November 2010, pk 16.00 wib. Peserta akan diminta mendownload surat konfirmasi dan soal kasus untuk penyeleksian ke 30 besar.
3. Peserta memasukkan jawaban untuk soal kasus kepada panitia “The Future Leader” melalui email beserta surat konfirmasi paling lambat tanggal 8 November 2010, pk 16.00 wib.
4. 30 finalis akan diumumkan di website PPM tanggal 12 November 2010, pk 16.00 wib.
5. 30 finalis akan dikirimkan surat panggilan untuk mengikuti program ”The Future Leader”.
6. “The Future Leader” akan diselenggarakan tanggal 29 November – 3 Desember 2010.

Informasi :
Email :;
telp : 021-2302025; 2300313 ext. 1104
download :

Another Scholarships in Indonesia
Another MM Scholarships
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Beasiswa BCA Finance 2010

Berbagi info. BCA Finance mengadakan program“BEASISWA BCA FINANCE 2010”. Beasiswa akan diberikan kepada 35 orangmahasiswa berprestasi yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi.

Total Beasiswa yang akan diberikan oleh BCA Finance adalah senilai Rp 420.000.000,- (empat ratus dua puluh juta rupiah). Beasiswa diberikan dalam bentuk SPP maksimum Rp. 1.000.000,- dan uang saku Rp 1.000.000,- per semester, sejak dinyatakan sebagai penerima beasiswa hingga maksimal sampai dengan semester 8.

Adapun persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh mahasiswa pelamar adalah sbb :
* Mahasiswa/i Program Strata 1 (S1)
* Minimal telah menyelesaikan semester 2
* Mengisi Formulir Beasiswa (download di
* Melampirkan Transkrip Nilai semester terakhir dengan IPK min 3,00
* Melampirkan Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu dari Institusi yang berwenang dari daerah sesuai KTP mahasiswa
* Melampirkan Surat Rekomendasi dari Pihak Perguruan Tinggi
* Mengajukan surat permohonan beasiswa kepada PT. BCA Finance
* Melampirkan fotokopi Kartu Mahasiswa dan KTP
* Menyertakan 2 (dua) lembar pas foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6
* Menyertakan surat keterangan dari pihak kampus mengenai besarnya biaya kuliah tiap semester (SPP) dan atau biaya mata kuliah per kredit (SKS)
* Mencantumkan Nama Universitas dan Nama Kota di sudut kiri atas amplop
* Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak manapun

Berkas persyaratan paling lambat kami terima tanggal 24 September 2010 (Cap Pos) yang dikirimkan ke :

PT BCA Finance
Up. Corporate Planning
Wisma BCA Pondok Indah Lt. 8
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah No. 10
Jakarta 12310

Daftar nama penerima beasiswa akan kami umumkan pada tanggal 22 Oktober2010 melalui Website BCA Finance :

Info lebih lengkap silahkan ke
Another Scholarships in Indonesia
Another Undergraduate Scholarships
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Schlumberger Foundation Fellowships for Women from Developing Countries

Schlumberger Foundation Fellowships for Women from Developing Countries

2011 Faculty for the Future Fellowships. Developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD or post-doctoral studies in the physical sciences and related disciplines at top universities abroad. The Faculty for the Future program grows each year and has become a powerful community that today stands at 142 pioneering women scientists from 43 countries.
Faculty for the Future fellowships are awarded to women from developing and emerging economies who are preparing for PhD or post-doctoral study in the physical sciences, engineering, or related disciplines to pursue advanced graduate study at top universities in their disciplines abroad.

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

* Be a woman;
* Be a citizen of a developing country;
* Wish to pursue a PhD degree or Post-doctoral research in the physical sciences or related disciplines;
* Have applied to, have been admitted to, or are currently enrolled in a university abroad;
* Wish to return to their home country to continue their academic career upon completion of their studies;
* Be very committed to teaching and demonstrate active participation in faculty life and outreach work to encourage young women into the sciences;
* Hold an excellent academic record.

How to apply
Applications are only accepted through the on-line system
Note that the on-line system will be open from September 1 to November 30 2010.
Please do not write before this date asking for application forms or submitting CVs, transcripts, or any other documents. We will not be able to respond.
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2011 International Doctoral Program in Energy Science (Kyoto Univ,)

2011 International Doctoral Program in Energy Science at Kyoto University

The Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, offers the International Doctoral Program in Energy Science, in which education and supervision of research work are fulfilled by using English language. The program is financially supported by the Japanese Government.

The following will be offered to successful applicants.
(1) Allowance: According to the fiscal 2010 budget, each grantee will be provided monthly with 155,000 to 158,000 yen (at most 36 months).
(2) Travel to and from Japan: An economy class round trip airfare is offered between the international airport closest to the successful applicant's home address, and Kansai International Airport. However, a return air ticket will only be offered if he/she leaves Japan immediately after the scholarship ends.
(3) School fees: Successful applicants will be granted exemptions from entrance and tuition fees.

Number of Applicants to Be Admitted: Eight applicants will be admitted.

One who applies to the International Doctoral Program in Energy Science, Kyoto University, must satisfy all of the following conditions:
(1) He/she is an eligible applicant for the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship obtainable through the recommendation of a Japanese university.
(2) He/she is eligible to apply to the doctoral course of the Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University.
(3) He/she is a graduate of a university with which the Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, has signed an Agreement of International Academic Exchange. (4) He/she is not the holder of any doctoral level degree in principle.
(5) A good command of English is required for an applicant. (Japanese language is not required.)

For enrollment in October, 2011, the following documents must arrive before November 15, 2010 at our School Affairs Office (address given below).
• Application forms, including the Certificate of Health, which can be downloaded from our homepage
• Official document verifying nationality
• Certificates: Bachelor's and Master's Degrees (or equivalents)
• Official academic records: Undergraduate and graduate levels
• Recommendation letters: Dean of the graduate school and supervisor (undergraduate and/or graduate) and head of the employing organization (if currently working)
• Research plan / List of scientific publications / Brief description of academic achievements
• A copy of Master's Thesis (or equivalent)
• A copy of an official GRE (General test), TOEFL or TOEIC test score, taken within the last 24 months

Each applicant should contact his/her prospective supervisor at Graduate School of Energy Science Kyoto University before applying.

The applicants will be informed of the result of the 1st stage selection by Kyoto University by around the end of March, 2011. The selected applicants will then be recommended to the Japanese Government as applicants for the scholarship. Applicants will be informed of the final result by around the end of April, 2011.

School Affairs Office
The Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Fax: +81-75-753-4745
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FEUB Undergraduate - Exchange Program Scholarship (extended)

The Faculty of Economics (FEUB) Undergraduate – Exchange Program Scholarship
University of Brawijaya – Indonesia

University of Brawijaya (UB) became a public University in 1963. Today, UB is one of the leading universities in Indonesia with more than 30,000 students in various degrees ranging from the Bachelor's Degree Program, Master's Degree Program, Doctoral Degree Program, and Medical Specialist Program in 10

UB campus is situated in the city of Malang, East Java, in a strategic location you can easily reach by public transportations. Thanks to trees growing in all corners of the campus and the cool air of Malang, you can find UB a very fresh campus. A city of education, Malang has been developing rapidly. This seems to be inseparable from the triumph of East Java in the past.

Faculty of Economics (FEUB) is one of the faculties in UB and is also known as one of the most reputable Faculties of Economics in Indonesia. It is proven by an "A" accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for higher education in Indonesia for all departments (Accounting, Management, and Economics of Development). In addition, FEUB is also a member of AACSB International (the
Association to Advanced Collegiate School of Business). These facts indicate that FEUB has been acknowledged as a remarkable faculty both in national and international level. These high achievements always motivate FEUB to continuously improve its quality in educational field.

FEUB Undergraduate-Exchange Program Scholarship is an initiative of the FEUB through World Class University (WCU) program offered to international students who are interested to spend one semester (4 month) in one of our department in FEUB: (1) Accounting (2) Management (3) Economics of Development (Economics).
This scholarship will provide educational, research and professional development opportunities to support growth in the region and to build enduring links at the individual, institutional and country levels. This program is also designed for international student to gain experience of living and studying in one of Indonesian campus.

General Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must

* Be a regular full-time student in one university outside Indonesia studying Accounting, Management/Business or Economics (have completed at least their first year of study in the home university).
* Have met FEUB academic requirement (at least GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 or equivalent grading system)
* Have met the English requirements for the course to be considered for a scholarship with a minimum TOEFL 550 or equivalent
* Not hold or have held an Indonesian Government funded scholarship in
preceding 12 months at the time of application
* Satisfy all requirements of the Indonesian Department of Immigration
* Not married to/ or defacto of, or engaged to, a person who holds or is eligible to hold an Indonesian status.

What does FEUB Undergraduate Exchange Program Scholarship cover?

* Tuition fees for one semester
* Shared-Campus Accommodation (4 month)
* Standard Living Allowance (4 month)
* Return Air Travel (Economy Class) up to $800

Credit Transfers

Academic Credits (normally around 15-18 credit hours) at UB might be transferred to home university as part of the requirements for their graduation. Enquiries about subject offered can be communicated using email:

Upon completion of the program students will receive an exchange program academic transcript from FEUB.

How to apply?

Applicants must complete an application form with certified copies of all relevant documents, including:

* Copy of Academic Transcript/Record
* Supporting Letter from the home university

Deadlines for the FEUB Undergraduate-Exchange Program Scholarship Applications:
The Exchange Program Scholarship Applications for Semester 1, 2010 is extended to 10 July 2010.

Application form must be sent to

Program Internasional
Fakultas Ekonomi – Universitas Brawijaya
c/p Dr. Devanto Pratomo
Jl. Veteran – Malang

Please also sent a copy of the applications and any enquiries by email to

Results of Applications

Students applying for a scholarship for Semester 1, 2010 will be advised of the outcome of their application in 13 September 2010.
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New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)

Tentang NYU Abu Dhabi

New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) merupakan perguruan tinggi yang mengintegrasikan disiplin ilmu sains dan liberal arts. NYU Abu Dhabi terhubung penuh dengan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh NYU New York maupun situs global NYU di lima benua.

Keunggulan NYU Abu Dhabi
* Kurikulum kelas dunia yang menantang mahasiswa untuk berpikir kreatif, memahami isu-isu kompleks, membangun keahlian memimpin dan mengembangkan potensi secara keseluruhan melalui pendekatan lintas disiplin yang memadukan konsep ilmiah dan liberal arts.
* Kesempatan untuk melakukan study-trip ke lokasi regional sekitar Abu Dhabi, dan menjalani 2 semester di NYU Global Network Universities di kota New York, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, Accra, London, Tel Aviv, Florence, Berlin, Paris, Praha, dan Madrid.
* Program beasiswa yang diberikan berdasarkan prestasi maupun latar belakang ekonomi yang DAPAT MEMBIAYAI KESELURUHAN biaya pendidikan sarjana di NYU Abu Dhabi , yang meliputi:

Biaya akademik Akomodasi: tempat tinggal, makan, dan biaya hidup
Buku kuliah Biaya perjalanan akademik regional dan internasional
Aktivitas Ekstra-kurikuler Biaya perjalanan pulang pergi antara Abu Dhabi dan negara asal .......................................(2X setahun)

Cari tahu lebih banyak tentang NYU Abu Dhabi di website kami:
Atau berpartisipasilah dalam salah satu webinar yang kami adakan.

Persyaratan Penerimaan dan Beasiswa
NYU Abu Dhabi ingin menciptakan populasi siswa yang datang dari beragam latar belakang dan dari berbagai negara. Kami juga mencari siswa berbakat yang termasuk kategori siswa unggulan di tingkat dunia.

Proses penerimaan ke NYU Abu Dhabi sangat selektif. Calon siswa akan dipertimbangkan berdasarkan keseluruhan aplikasi mereka, termasuk prestasi akademik, kegiatan ekstra-kurikuler, surat rekomendasi dan minat untuk menjadi warga dunia di bidang pengabdian dan kepemimpinan di tingkat global

Anda adalah calon siswa yang potensial bila:
§ lulus dari sekolah menengah atas pada tahun 2011
§ secara akademik termasuk peringkat teratas di kelas atau sekolah Anda
§ aktif berorganisasi, di dalam maupun di luar sekolah
§ berprestasi di berbagai kompetisi
§ menunjukkan kualitas kepemimpinan dan wawasan berpikir yang luas
Jika Anda memiliki semua kualifikasi di atas, maka inilah saatnya untuk membuat salah satu keputusan terpenting dalam hidup Anda. Kirimkan aplikasi Anda ke NYU Abu Dhabi . Melalui NYU Abu Dhabi, Anda akan membekali diri dengan keahlian dan perspektif yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi calon pemimpin di abad ke-21.

Batas waktu untuk memasukkan formulir pendaftaran masuk universitas
Pendaftaran awal periode I 1 November 2010
Pendaftaran awal periode II 1 Januari 2011
Pendaftaran reguler 1 Januari 2011

Batas waktu untuk memasukkan formulir permohonan beasiswa
Pendaftaran awal periode I 15 November 2010
Pendaftaran awal periode II 15 Januari 2011
Pendaftaran regular 15 Februari 2011
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PhD studentships in Finance - University of Melbourne

PhD Studentships in Finance
University of Melbourne - The Department of Finance

The Department of Finance at the University of Melbourne is pleased to invite applications for places in its PhD student cohort matriculating February 2011.

About the Program:

The PhD program consists of rigorous coursework in the first year, followed by a 2-3 year research period. The research of our faculty members spans all areas of finance and has been published in the top finance journals, such as The Journal of Finance, The Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, and the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. A roster of prominent visiting scholars from other top Finance departments further enhances the program. Upon graduation, our PhD candidates are well equipped to compete in the global academic finance job market.

All places in the finance doctoral program are fully funded. Enrolled candidates receive tuition remission plus a stipend of at least A$26,000 per annum but possibly ranging higher for exceptional applicants, up to A$40,000 in certain instances. Further funding to cover conference and tutorial travel expenses is also available.

Application Procedure:

The minimum qualifications for completing an application are as follows:

* - a bachelor's degree (Australian H2A honors or equivalent),
* - official GMAT scores,
* - evidence of English language proficiency, and
* - a 600-700 word research proposal.

The deadline for international applications is October 31, 2010. For Australian permanent residents and for citizens of Australia or New Zealand, the deadline is November 30, 2010. Applications can be lodged on-line at:

About the Department

The Department of Finance is home to 28 full-time academics and a large number of sessional teaching staff. The Department provides an excellent research environment with weekly seminars, brownbag presentations, and access to a broad range of financial databases. The extremely active environment offers many opportunities for experience as Research Assistant or Teaching Assistant.

More information about the department can be found here:
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PhD Studentship in Organic Chemistry - Monash University

Fully funded PhD studentship
Dendrimer Synthesis
Monash University, Australia

We seek an outstanding PhD candidate with a background in synthetic organic chemistry to develop a new class of dendritic molecules, and to study their applications. The position is fully funded, both fees and stipend, for four years.

Project description

The successful candidate will investigate a new method for the synthesis of a library of dendrimers with variations in the sizes and shapes of the monomers, and of the strength and character of the forces between them. One aim of the project is to make dendrimers carrying a variety of functionality, and with the flexibility of the synthetic strategy, engineer the molecules for solubility, surface activity, and assembly into larger structures.

Measurement of the conformations of the dendrimers using Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) is part of the project, and the successful candidate will have the opportunity to gain experience with this method at the Australian Synchrotron, collocated with Monash University. Computer models for the dendrimer conformations will be tested by the SAXS methods.

Monash University

Monash University has Australia's leading chemistry school, ranking 64th in Shanghai's Jiao Tong Index. Monash is one of only three Australian universities ranked in the global top 100 for Chemistry, according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). The ARWU annually grades over 1000 institutes on six objective indicators including the number of highly cited researchers, the number of articles published in the journals Nature and Science and the per capita performance with respect to the size of the institution.


Interested candidates should send a CV, a short description of research interests, and the names of two or more referees to the email addresses below.

Enquiries should be directed to:

Dr. David Lupton,,


Dr. Angus Gray-Weale,,
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Monday, August 23, 2010

Study in UK

Research Fellow for the IMPACT Project
Supporting Argument Visualisation, Analysis and Tracking in eParticipation
Faculty of Performance, Visual Arts and Communications, Institute of Communications Studies, The Centre for Digital Citizenship
University of Leeds

Research Associate in Radar Imaging of Antarctic Ice Shelves
Electronic & Electrical Engineering
University College London

KTP Associate - Labbook GLP Ltd and RGU
Aberdeen Business School, Department of Information Management
Robert Gordon University

Data Analyst
School of Community Based Medicine
The University of Manchester

Postdoctoral Researcher, Synthetic Biology/Mathematical Modelling
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences
University of Exeter

Web Application Developer
Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit (CTSU)
University of Oxford

Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit (CTSU)
University of Oxford

Research Assistant
Oxford University Computing Laboratory
University of Oxford

Research Assistant
Oxford University Computing Laboratory
University of Oxford

Research Assistant
Oxford University Computing Laboratory
University of Oxford

PhD Studentship
Nature Inspired Computing and Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences - Department of Computing
University of Surrey

KTP Associate, E-business and E-learning Executive
Business School
Oxford Brookes University

2 Research Associates in Bioinformatics & Speciation Genomics
Division of Biology
Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Imperial College London

Bio-Linux Developer and Bioinformatician
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

PhD Student for Visual Computation
Research, Development, Innovation
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Radboud University Nijmegen

KTP Associate – Software Developer
Innovative New Network Management Solution
Manchester Metropolitan University & Thinspace Ltd
Manchester Metropolitan University

PhD Studentship
Energy Management and Energy Policy
Centre for Sustainable Development, School of Built & Natural Environment
University of Central Lancashire

PhD Studentship
Project Title: Energy and Power Management Systems
Centre for Sustainable Development, School of Built & Natural Environment
University of Central Lancashire

Researcher 1B
3D Visualisation
Department of Computing and Creative Technologies
Glasgow Caledonian University

Senior Teaching Fellow (Cybersecurity)
University of Warwick

Senior Research Assistant / Research Fellow
Ideological Influences on Group Decision Making
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton

Research Associate
Centre for Neuroscience
Department of Medicine
Imperial College London

Research Associate
Computational Linguistics/Machine Learning
Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Research Group
University of York

Research and Teaching Fellow
Systems Engineering
Department of Computer Science
University of York

IT Project Manager (KTP Associate)
Cirencester Friendly Society Limited
University of the West of England, Bristol

Research Associate
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Sheffield

University Lecturer in Computer Science (Programming Languages)
Oxford University Computing Laboratory, in association with Worcester College
University of Oxford

Computing Officer (Semantic Web Research Data Management)
Department of Zoology
University of Oxford

Computing Officer (Web Applications and Research Data Management)
Department of Zoology
University of Oxford

Postdoctoral Software Developer in Biodiversity Informatics
Project: eMonocot - A major UK initiative to create a revolutionary on-line platform for organising and accessing plant diversity information
Department of Zoology
University of Oxford

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Another Scholarships in Computer Science
Another Scholarships in UK
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Study Computer Science in UK

Postdoctoral Research Assistant
London College of Fashion
University Of The Arts London

Course Director
MRes Information Environments
University Of The Arts London

Research Fellow
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Westminster

Research Fellow
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Westminster

Knowledge Transfer Associate
Computer Science
University College London

Research Associate
Speech Recognition
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge

Research Assistant
SLA Management
School of Informatics - Department of Computing
City University

Research Associate in Environmental Modelling and Web Services Development
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Imperial College London

Research Fellow in Self-Managing Systems
Department of Computer Science
University of Greenwich

Computer Biologist/Senior Computer Biologist
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

Data-Analysis Software Developer
School of Environmental Sciences
University of Liverpool

Funded PhD Scholarship
Symbol Grounding for Active Touch in a Humanoid Robot
Active Touch Laboratory, Department of Psychology
University of Sheffield

Research Associate
Text Processing
Intelligent Systems Group
Manchester Metropolitan University

Postdoctoral Research Associate: Viral Evolution And Bioinformatics
Department of Zoology
University of Oxford

Research Technician
Institute of Ophthalmology Visual Neuroscience
University College London

MSc/PhD Positions: Mathematics of Future Wireless Networks
Hamilton Institute
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

PhD Studentship in Computer Science
School of Computing Science
Newcastle University

Research Assistant
Bath Institute of Medical Engineering
University of Bath

EPSRC - Funded PhD Studentship
Energy Challenges for Complexity Science - Preventing Wide-Area Blackouts Through Adaptive Islanding Of Transmission Networks
School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
Durham University

Research Associate
Department of Imaging Sciences and Department of Computing, Institute of Clinical Sciences and Faulty of Engineering
Imperial College London

Software Engineer
Vertual Ltd

Database Analyst
Biological Sciences
University of Edinburgh

PhD Studentship in Optimisation and River Infrastructure Planning
Management Science Group
University of Kent

Post-Doctorate Researcher or Research Assistant
Cork Institute of Technology

Research Associate in Computational Neuroscience
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge

Research Fellowships, 2011
St John's College, Cambridge

Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher in Wireless Sensor Networks for Civil-Engineering Applications
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Imperial College London

Another PhD Scholarships
Another Scholarships in Computer Science
Another Scholarships in UK
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

PhD scholarship in Political Science - University of Souther Denmark

PhD scholarship in Political Science
University of Southern Denmark - Department of Political Science

Theme: Determinants of political beliefs

At the Department of Political Science and Public Management, five PhD scholarships within the programme "Beliefs in Politics: Actors and Determinants (Elites, Frames, and Personalities)" are available for appointment for a period of three years as of October 1, 2010 or as soon as possible hereafter.

We look for candidates with a Master Degree in political science, political psychology or political communication (or a related field) who have distinguished themselves at the MA level and, preferably, have written a Master thesis about social, institutional, psychological and contextual determinants of political beliefs, attitudes, and behaviour.

We prefer applicants whose strengths lie within methods, quantitative and/or qualitative. Only candidates with top academic qualifications will be considered for enrolment. Applications must include a detailed description of the PhD project, including research question, theory, design and methods, and a work schedule.

The PhD scholarships are funded by the Danish government as "mobility scholarships" which means that candidates from the University of Southern Denmark are not eligible to apply.

You cannot apply for the position based on this advertisement. You can see the entire advertisement on the university's homepage

Position no.: 351/556-105705

Closing date: September 1, 12:00 noon
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Doctoral Scholarship in Children Physical Activity 0 Auckland UNiversity of Technology

Doctoral Scholarship
Children's mobility and physical activity in higher density urban neighbourhoods
Auckland University of Technology - Health Research

Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals for a Health Research Council of New Zealand funded PhD scholarship. The successful applicant will join an established team of researchers from Massey University, University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology (AUT), in Auckland, New Zealand. The student will be based at the Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition at AUT. The scholarship is valued at NZ $25,000 p.a. (tax exempt) for three years. A full or partial tuition fee waiver may also apply.

Study overview

This research will be located in Auckland, New Zealand and is concerned with understanding how neighbourhood environments can foster children's independent mobility- outdoor play and active transport (e.g. walking/cycling) - to increase physical activity and participation in urban life. At issue is the recursive relationship between place and wellbeing, with everyday practices affected by both the nature of urban spaces and perceptions of them as safe and desirable, or otherwise. The study aims to understand how urban design factors influence children's wellbeing by investigating the neighbourhood experiences, independent mobility, and physical activity of children 8-11 years living in higher deprivation Auckland neighbourhoods of differing dwelling density.

The successful candidate will work with children aged 8-11 years and their parents, to understand how urban design factors influence children's physical activity and independent mobility. It is envisaged the area of PhD study will focus on independent mobility and physical activity and the relationships between these variables and children's social and/or built environments. The successful applicant will share responsibility for the collection and analysis of data, including fieldwork and the use of accelerometry and global positioning systems.

Applying for the Scholarship

It is expected the candidate will hold an Honours or Masters degree in human movement science, exercise science, health promotion, epidemiology, geography or a related area and be able to demonstrate previous research experience.

Applicants must meet the University's selection criteria for entry into the PhD. Advice on these can be found at:

Information for international students can be found at:

Curriculum vitae and covering letters are to be received no later than Friday 27 August 2010, 5pm NZT and should be sent to Dr Melody Oliver either by email ( , or post:

Dr Melody Oliver Mail #A-24, Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Auckland University of Technology Private Bag 92006 Auckland 1142 New Zealand

Queries related to the project and the position can be addressed to Dr Melody Oliver by email (

Children's mobility and physical activity in higher density urban neighbourhoods
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Summer School: Call for Participation

Call for Participation

This summer school is an academic and cultural event sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) and Technische Universität Dresden, Germany and organized by the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia.

The Summer School provides a good opportunity to learn an in-depth introduction into computational logic and its applications. The school is primarily intended for graduate students and researchers with interests in logical foundations of intelligent systems and related issues. The courses are conducted in English. The number of participants is limited.

Additionally, the participants will be joining LPAR 17, which will be held at the Hyatt hotel, Yogyakarta. LPAR is a prestigious international conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning.
School site

The school will take place in the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km 14.5, Yogyakarta and the Hyatt hotel, Yogyakarta.

Application is requested no later than 25 August 2010; please fill in the registration form and send to This is a very firm deadline, and applications submitted prior to this date will be much appreciated. Please make sure that you include a brief biography (not exceeding one page) stating your experiences, interests, personal home page (if available), etc. We select applicants in case of excessive demand. Admissions decision will be announced by 2 September 2010.

The participation is charged ($ 250 for local participants and $ 700 for Foreigner participants), but there will be limited number of grants that covers either fee or travel cost or accommodation; please indicate in your application if the only possibility for you to participate is by a grant. Applications for grants must include an estimate for economic travel costs and they should be sent together with the registration form. We also provide assistance in finding an accommodation in Yogyakarta.

Please remarks that the number of grants is limited and only applicable to Indonesian workers/students at University.
Course Program

The courses are scheduled over two weeks from 4 October to 15 October 2010. In the first week, 04-09 October 2010, the following courses will take place at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta:

- Anni Turhan: Reasoning in Description Logics
- Steffen Hölldobler: SAT Solving
- Lim Yohanes Stefanus: Transforming and Completing Logic Programs
- Michael Posegga: Interactive Theorem Proving: Program and System Development
- Horst Reichel: A Coalgebraic Approach to Modal Logics
- Josef Schneeberger: XSTL and Logic Programming
- Christoph Wernhard: Projection Computation in Knowledge Representation

In the second week, the summer school participants will join LPAR 17, the 17th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, which takes place at the Hyatt hotel in Yogyakarta.

The program of LPAR 17 includes:
…..a. Invited Talks by:
….…...- Krishnendu Chatterjee, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
…..…..- Joseph Y. Halpern, Cornell University, USA
….…...- Michael Maher, National ICT Australia
…..b. An Invited Tutorial by:
….…...- Norbert Preining, JAIST/Kanzawa
…..c. The presentations of 41 Research Papers that have been accepted by the program committee.
…..d. The presentations of a number of Short Papers. Notice that until 30 August it is still possible to submit such a …..short paper (see
…..e. Two Workshops:
…..…..- APS 5 – 5th International Workshop on Analytic Proof Systems
…..…..- IWIL 2010 – The 8th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics

First Week Schedule: 3 – 9 October 2010
Second Week Schedule: 10 – 15 October 2010

See Course Name and Abstract
Cultural Program

All students who join LPAR will have the tour program. This tour program will visit the Borobudur temple, the Prambanan temple, and City Sightseeing. Yogyakarta is a tourism destination in Indonesia. The city offers many interesting tourism objects.

Beside the tour program, such students will also join two dinners with the teachers and the participants of LPAR. The dinner will be held on 10 October 2010 at Warung Pecel Solo and 13 October 2010 at the Pring Sewu. It is big chance for the students to meet with LPAR participants, who are the great researchers from around the world.

The host organizes a hotel during the summer school. The hotel is in Yogyakarta city such that it makes the participants easy to reach some tourism places. Because of the distance, we provide bus as transportation from the hotel to the school site and the Hyatt hotel.

However, each participant may organize their accommodation and transportation by them selves.

Hotel Information: Information1, Information2, , information3
Contact Person

Please do not hesitate to contact:

Irving Vitra Paputungan (
Department of Informatics, universitas Islam Indonesia

Prof. Steffen Hölldobler (
Secretary:Julia Koppenhagen (
Technische Universität Dresden
International Center fo Computational Logic
Another summer School Program
Another Scholarships in Indonesia
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Erasmus Mundus - AFEPA Schlolarships

Erasmus Mundus - AFEPA Schlolarships
The European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis (AFEPA) aims at providing a high quality education in designing and assessing public policies targeted to the agricultural and food sector as well as the rural environment. This European Master responds to the increasing need to better understand and anticipate the various and often complex socio-economic and environmental effects of these policies either in a functioning market economy as in the European Union or in economies in a development or transition phase. The European Master offers a two-year academic curriculum with integrated and advanced theoretical, methodological and empirical courses in economics and quantitative methods as well as in agricultural, food and environmental sciences, agricultural and trade policy, environmental and natural resource policy, rural development policy and agribusiness management and market analysis. To connect theory and methodology to practice, a problem solving project is developed and presented as a master thesis at the end of the two-year curriculum.

The European Master is jointly organised by five leading European educational and research institutions: the Corvinius University of Budapest (CUB) in Hungary, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Sweden, the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn (UBonn) in Germany, the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Belgium and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Spain. These five partner universities are recognised worldwide for the quality of their educational programme and scientific achievements in agricultural, environmental and economic sciences. The required 120 ECTS credit points are structured into three blocks: a minimum of two semesters of studies (55 ECTS) at a first partner university, as well as two semesters of studies (60 ECTS) at a second partner university, and two joint summer schools (5 ECTS) at partner universities. The language of instruction and examination is English for most of the courses in three partner universities while it is either French at UCL or Spanish at UPC for most of the courses. The Master degree is awarded as a double degree from the two home and host universities.

This European Master is accessible to candidates holding a bachelor degree or a recognized equivalent academic degree with a minimum of 180 ECTS or 3 years university study from an accredited institution, with sufficient undergraduate training in economics and agricultural or environmental sciences, with an excellent scholastic average, and with fluency in English but also French or Spanish if attending either UCL or UPC respectively.

Recipients of this European Master are qualified to understand the fundamentals of public policies oriented to the agricultural and food sector, rural areas and natural resources, develop and use quantitative methods to perform rigorous socio-economic and environmental assessment of these public policies, and provide sound and relevant policy recommendations for a more sustainable development of this sector and rural areas. They are qualified to take responsibilities in international, national and regional agencies, non-governmental organisations, consultancy firms, professional organisations and private companies.

Main area: Social sciences (including economics), cultural sciences
Second area: Agricultural and forestry sciences
Third area: Geography, earth and environmental studies

At the end of the course, graduated students will be awarded a double degree.

* Erasmus Mundus scholarships for non-European students (Category A)

The Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union awards a limited number of individual scholarships to non-European applicants to the European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis. When non-European candidates apply for admission to the AFEPA European Master, they can also apply for this scholarship programme using the same application form by the same deadline. If non-European candidates applying for this scholarship programme are admitted to the AFEPA European Master but are not offered an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, then admitted candidates cover the tuition fees and all other expenses with funding from an alternative scholarship programme or private sources.

For a non-European applicant, the scholarship amounts to:
a total contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs € 8,000
a contribution to cover the tuiton fees of the European Master € 3,000 per semester
a monthly allowance € 1,000 per month

* Erasmus Mundus scholarships for European students (Category B)

The Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union awards a limited number of individual sholarships to European applicants to the European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis. When European candidates apply for admission to the AFEPA European Master, they can also apply for this scholarship programme using the same application form by the same deadline. If European candidates applying for this scholarship programme are admitted to the AFEPA European Master but are not offered an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, then admitted candidates cover the tuition fees and all other expenses with funding from an alternative scholarship programme or private sources.

For a European applicant, the scholarship amounts to:
a contribution to the tuiton fees of the European Master € 1,500 per semester
a monthly allowance € 500 per month

To apply, click here to fill out the application form

The two academic referees fill out the downloadable reference form in English, sign it, save it under the file name ‘RF_CandidateLastName_RefereeLastName.doc’ or ‘RF_CandidateLastName_RefereeLastName.pdf’ and send it to

Reference form in the AFEPA preformatted version

Contact detail:

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Another Scholarhips in Europe
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The Nestlé Scholarship for Women, Worldwide

The Nestlé Scholarship for Women, Worldwide

The Nestlé Scholarship for Women was first awarded in 1997 and was initiated by a group of IMD MBA participants who wanted to encourage women to take the MBA.
Applicants must have been accepted into the IMD MBA program prior to their application.
Our scholarship applications are essay based, with winning essays typically including the following features:

* Relevance to the essay title
* Organization and structure
* Fully developed arguments
* Persuasiveness
* Personal element and/or passion

IMD reserves the right not to award a scholarship if the criteria are not met to the satisfaction of the jury/sponsors.
Number of scholarships: One
Amount: CHF 25,000
Geographic region: Worldwide (with preference given to developing countries)

Who can qualify: Accepted women candidates who demonstrate financial need. Employees of Nestlé and its subsiduaries are not elegible.

Criteria: Submitting an essay discussing the issue: ‘Does diversity in management impact the bottom line? If so, how?’ (maximum 750 words)

Deadline: September 30

Contact: Scholarship essays, or questions, should be sent to mbafinance[at]

Another MBA Scholarships
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

PhD Position available: Knowledge and Capacity Development in the Water Sector

PhD Position available: Knowledge and Capacity Development in the Water Sector

UNESCO-IHE has a permanent staff of 160, of which 90 are scientific staff, while about 250 guest-lecturers from academia and industry contribute to the educational programme. Each year 750 participants (incl. about 200 new MSc students per year) from all over the world attend the various regular and short courses at UNESCO-IHE.

The Department of Hydroinformatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM) has a Core that is engaged in the study and application of Knowledge and Capacity Development (KCD). Current research concerns the modes of knowledge sharing in water resources, the capacity in government and the civil service system, and the access to the global knowledge pool through formal and informal learning processes and networks.

The vacancy is part of a new initiative to study how the effectiveness of KCD can be increased, and to help mainstream research outcomes in policy on international development. This effort is financed by the Netherlands government. For the Department we are looking for a Junior Researcher, Knowledge and Capacity Development in the Water Sector (m/f).
As part of the KCD team, the (full time) researcher will conduct an academically rigorous study over about 4 years on the relationship between the capacity of the water sector and the sector’s performance in service delivery and water resource management, in about 6 countries, in a transversal analysis. The methodology will be based on the experiences and tools developed by the team and by other research groups. The approach in the study will include the selection of representative case studies, of which the development and performance will be the KCD activities and programs, the collection of quantitative data and information as well as narratives, and the comparative analysis of the KCD development dynamics in relation to KCD initiatives and programs. The study will establish a method to analyze the modes in which KCD affects the capacity and performance of the main organizations of the sub-sector, and how it helps to achieve benchmarks that are to be determined by the study.
The outputs of the study include (i) a set of peer-reviewed publications that are to be of adequate quality to allow the researcher to obtain his/her Doctor degree under Dutch law, and (ii) elaborate guidelines, and building blocks for KCD action plans and policy inputs that are relevant for international development. The researcher will, beside his/her research, prepare policy documents and reports to disseminate the results and recommendations, and will participate in relevant workshops and forums. In addition, he/she will prepare and give classes at post-graduate level for international course participants, and over time take leadership in the development of new educational programs. He/she will be staff member of the Core on KCD and work under the supervision of the Professor/Chair of KCD.

Requirements and Competencies
The candidate will:

* Have an education at MSc level or equivalent in water or water resources sciences or engineering, or in relevant social or economic sciences. Combination of degrees would create a special advantage. He/she should qualify for acceptance into a PhD programme under Dutch academic regulations.
* Have professional experience of at least three years in a related field in a utility, in a consultancy, government agency, or similar organization, and/or in a research environment. Experience with developing countries will be considered especially valuable.
* Be proficient in English, also for writing scientific papers, and, preferable, policy reports.
* Be able to work in a team and contribute to the teamwork.
* Bring a constructive attitude, and enthusiasm for the goal of knowledge management and international development.

Preference exists for candidates from developing countries.
Conditions of employment
This position is for four years, however, after about half a year a satisfactory detailed work proposal needs to be submitted, after which the appointment will be confirmed. The position is based in Delft, The Netherlands. The PhD research fellowship includes a monthly allowance of about €1190, air travel, health insurance, ancillary expenses and tuition. Candidates must be prepared to carry out long- and short-term missions abroad.
Information and application
Additional information can be obtained from Mr. Jan Luijendijk, Head of Department (T: +31(0)15- 21 51 810 / E:
Applications with curriculum vitae can be sent until August 31, 2010 to UNESCO-IHE, attn. Mr. Jan Luijendijk, Head of Department stating the vacancy description.
Acquisition to this vacancy is not appreciated!
Date published: 22 July 2010

Another Scholarships in Italy

Another PhD Scholarships
Another Environmental Economic Scholarships
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PhD positions: Networked Control Systems & SI (Uni Padova

Open Positions

Our groups working on Networked Control Systems and System Identification offer some Ph.D. scholarships, post-doctoral positions and engineering assistant positions.

Position: Post Laurea and/or Post Doctoral Scholarship
Topic: Learning methods for estimation and identification of large scale distributed systems
Application deadline: none
Note: for both Italian and foreign students
Description: This is a scholarship for the specific research topic. The candidate is required to have solid background in systems and control, with particular emphasis in Identification Theory. Knowledge of basic principles of Learning is appreciated. A brief overview and description of the project can be found here. For more details contact Prof. A. Chiuso

Position: Ph.D. Scholarship
Topic: Networked Control Systems
Application deadline: 02.09.2010
Application instruction: official website
Starting date: 01.01.2011
Duration: 3 years
Salary and benefits: 13.638,47 Euro per year (+50% during period of study abroad), full board and lodging
Note: only for foreign students
Description: These scholarships are offered by the Italian CaRiPaRo Foundation for all the Ph.D. Schools of the University of Padova . The candidate interested in working with us needs to select Information Engineering Ph.d. School and Information Science and Techniology curriculum when preparing the application form. The topics of interest for our group embrace a wide range of projects and research areas. The Study/Research Plan required in application form should be consistent with these research lines.
Position: Ph.D. Scholarship
Topic: Networked Control Systems
Application deadline: 01.10.2010
Application instruction: official website (official call opens 01.09.2010)
Starting date: 01.01.2011
Duration: 3 years
Salary and benefits: 13.638,47 Euro per year (+50% during period of study abroad)
Note: for both Italian and foreign students
Description: These scholarships are offered by the Department of Information Engineering for the areas Electronics, System Theory and Automation, Telecommunications, Computer Engineering, Bioengineering, Measurement Techniques, Physics and Operation Research applied to Information Engineering. The candidate interested in working with us needs to select Information Engineering Ph.d. School and Information Science and Techniology curriculum when preparing the application form. The topics of interest for our group embrace a wide range of projects and research areas. The Study/Research Plan required in application form should be consistent with these research lines.

Position: Ph.D. Scholarship
Topic: Distributed Estimation and Control In Networked Control Systems
Application deadline: 01.10.2010
Application instruction: official website (official call opens 01.09.2010)
Starting date: 01.01.2011
Duration: 3 years
Salary and benefits: 13.638,47 Euro per year (+50% during period of study abroad)
Note: for both Italian and foreign students
Description: This is a single scholarship for the specific research topic. For more information please read the detailed project description [PDF]. The candidate interested in working with us needs to select Information Engineering Ph.d. School and Information Science and Techniology curriculum when preparing the application form. The topics of interest for our group embrace a wide range of projects and research areas. The Study/Research Plan required in application form should be consistent with these research lines.

Another PhD Scholarships
Another Scholarsips in Computer Science
Another Scholarships in Italy
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Monday, August 16, 2010

Computer Science in UK

Professorship in Constraint Programming
University College Cork

Computer Studies
International Academy
University of Essex

E- Commerce Web Developer
Based in Silchester, Nr Reading, Berkshire
University of Reading

PhD Studentship
Center for Genomic Epidemiology (CGE) at the Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, DTU Systems Biology
Technical University of Denmark

Research Associate
Northern Institute for Cancer Research
Newcastle University

MPhil Studentship
Energy harvesting system for wireless sensing applications
Cranfield University

KTP Associate - Software and Database Developer
School of Computing, Engineering & Information sciences
Northumbria University

Bioinformatics Officer
Section of cancer genetics
Institute of Cancer Research

Fully funded PhD Studentship
Dependence Modelling And Construction Of Multivariate Copulas
School of Computing Sciences
University of East Anglia

Humanoid Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Faculty of Science and Technology - School of Computing and Mathematics
University of Plymouth

Associate Lecturer in Computing
Bournemouth University

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Another Scholarships in UK
Another Scholarships in Computer Science
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Study Computer Science in UK

Technical Architect
The Institute of Advanced Broadcasting
University of Wales, Newport

Part-time (0.5fte) Lecturer in Programming for the Computer Games and Entertainment Industries (Teaching only)
Computer Games and Entertainment Industries
Goldsmiths, University of London

ACFR Super Science Fellowship
Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR)
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies
The University of Sydney

Research Assistant or Associate in the Mechanics of Materials Group
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London

ACFR Linkage Fellowship
Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR)
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies
The University of Sydney

Software Development Engineer
Cranfield University

Research Assistant
(DNA Hash Pooling)
School of Biology, Chemistry & Health Science and Department of Computing & Mathematics
Manchester Metropolitan University

Research Assistants
Computer Network Security
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Liverpool John Moores University

Research Associate
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Cambridge

School of the Biological Sciences
University of Cambridge

Research Fellow - Agent Based Modelling
Institute of Energy & Sustainable Development (IESD)
De Montfort University

PhD Studentship (CASE award)
Department of Computing
University of Surrey

Business Process Developer
School of Management
University of Bath

Research Assistants
Isogenica Ltd

An Industrial CASE PhD Studentship funded by EPSRC and Toshiba Research Europe Ltd (TREL)
Advanced Signal Processing Group
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Loughborough University

PhD Studentship in Chemoinformatics
Developing New Methods For Computer-Aided Drug Design
The Information School
University of Sheffield

PhD Studentship
Department of Mathematics
University of Bristol

Visiting Lecturer
Java programming
City University

3.5 year PhD studentship
Application of semantic web technology for the automated integration of scientific data in the drug discovery process
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Research Associate
Computational Developmental Biology
Cardiff School of Biosciences
Cardiff University

Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Studentship in Large Scale Complex IT Systems
Probabilistic Timing Analysis
Department of Computer Science
University of York

Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Studentship in Large Scale Complex IT Systems
Timing Validation and Verification of Critical Systems
Department of Computer Science
University of York

Research Media Officer
(Natural Sciences)
Communications Division
Imperial College London

Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Studentship in Large Scale Complex IT Systems
Security Event Correlation and Visualisation Using Machine Learning Techniques
Department of Computer Science
University of York

Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Department Of Zoology
University of Oxford

Clinical Trials Programmer
Department Of Psychiatry
University of Oxford

Research Programmer
Building Banter Project
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton

MSc and PhD Studentships
Molecular Organisation and Assembly in Cells (MOAC) DTC
University of Warwick

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

PhD positions at University of Bolzano, Italy

Public Competition Announcement for PhD courses - 26th cycle

Published in the "Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Trentino Alto-Adige" no. 24/IV, 21/06/2010.
Published in the "Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubbli­ca Italiana, IV Serie Speciale Concorsi ed Esami", no. 53 del 06/07/2010.

Admission to the public competition
Deadline: 18th October, 2010

Application form for the Ph.D programme in "General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy and General Education"
Application form for the Ph.D programme "Computer Science"
Application form for the Ph.D programme in "Management of Mountain Environment"

For more information about the content of the Ph.D programme, please visit the faculties' websites:

PhD in General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy and General Education
PhD in Computer Science
PhD in Management of Mountain Environment

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20 PhD Scholarships in Humanities, Univ. of Oslo, Norway

Faculty of Humanities
Doctoral research fellowship

Up to 20 Ph.D. positions are announced at the Faculty of Humanities. The positions announced are open to all disciplines at the Faculty.

The Faculty has approximately 130 Ph.D. students divided into seven departments and one center:
•Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History
•Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages
•Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas
•Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages
•Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies
•Department of Media and Communication
•Department of Musicology
•Centre for Ibsen Studies

The advertised positions are open for all research fields at the Faculty of Humanities. In the actual processing of the applications, however, strategic considerations may be applied in the selection process, such as imminent need for recruitment within certain disciplines or subjects. Applicants who have recently graduated with excellent results may also be given preference.

The person who is appointed will be enrolled in the Faculty's organised researcher training. The academic study will terminate in a doctoral thesis which will be defended at the Faculty, leading to a Ph.D.-degree. The successful candidate is expected to contribute into a research group or network, and for a professional development in the environment.

The appointment is for a duration of 3 years. Any previous employment as a research fellow or appointment to another position will in whole or in part be deducted from the appointment time.

Qualifications and personal skills
In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the quality of the project description and on the assumed academic and personal ability on the part of the candidates to complete the dissertation within the given time frame. The short-listed candidates may be called for an interview at the University of Oslo.

A Master degree or equivalent in an area relevant to the topic of the doctoral dissertation. The masters degree or equivalent has to be achieved by the time of application.

We offer:

•Pay grade 48-55 (NOK 383 900 – 433 400 per year), depending on qualifications
•Academically stimulating working environment
•Good pension benefits under the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund scheme
•Good welfare benefits


Applicants must submit the following attachments with the electronic application:

•letter of application
•list of publications
•Curriculum Vitae including grades
•project description, including a detailed progress plan for the project (maximum 5 pages, see Guidelines for project descriptions)
Applications that do not meet these requirements will not be considered.

Educational certificates, master theses and the like are not to be submitted with the application, but applicants may be asked to submit such information or works later.

See also Guidelines for pertaining to the applisation asessment prosess for doctoral research fellowships and About the doctoral degree/Ph.D. at The faculty of Humanities.

Admission to the Ph.D. programme requires that faculty has the necessary supervision capacity.

The faculty has one Ph.D. programme with seven Ph.D. fields. The applicant must choose which field to be associated with. Selection of field determines which Ph.D. committee will consider the application.

The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o.

The University of Oslo aims to achieve a balanced gender composition in the workforce and to recruit people with ethnic minority backgrounds.

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Friday, August 13, 2010

PhD Scholarships 2010/2011 in Slovenia

Public call for applications for scholarships for doctorate studies of foreign citizens in the Republic of Slovenia in the academic year 2010/2011

1. The subject of the call for applications

The subject of this call for applications are scholarships for foreign citizens pursuing doctoral studies in natural sciences, technology or medicine at higher education level institutions in the Republic of Slovenia from academic year 2010/2011 onward, till the end of studies.

For classification of study field in the area of education classification KLASIUS-P of Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as SURS), available at, shall apply. The fallowing categories of the classification KLASIUS_P fall into fields of natural sciences, technology and medicine:
4. Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science
5. Engineering, Production Technologies and Civil Engineering
6. Agriculture, Forestry, Fischery and Veterinary Science
7. Health
8. Transportation Services
9. Environmental Studies.
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Monday, August 9, 2010

Beasiswa BCA Finance

Setelah sukses dengan program “Beasiswa BCA Finance 2009” yang telah diberikan kepada 20 mahasiswa berprestasi tahun lalu senilai total Rp 360.000.000 (tiga ratus enam puluh juta rupiah), maka tahun ini, menyambut HUT Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia Ke-65 dan disertai tekad kuat untuk turut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, BCA Finance kembali menggulirkan program “BEASISWA BCA FINANCE 2010”. Beasiswa akan diberikan kepada 35 orang mahasiswa berprestasi yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi.

Total Beasiswa yang akan diberikan oleh BCA Finance adalah senilai Rp 420.000.000, - (empat ratus dua puluh juta rupiah). Beasiswa diberikan dalam bentuk SPP maksimum Rp. 1.000.000,- dan uang saku Rp 1.000.000,- per semester, sejak dinyatakan sebagai penerima beasiswa hingga maksimal sampai dengan semester 8.

Adapun persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh mahasiswa pelamar adalah sbb :
* Mahasiswa/i Program Strata 1 (S1)
* Minimal telah menyelesaikan semester 2
* Mengisi Formulir Beasiswa (download) dan software untuk mengisi formulir secara digital (download)
* Melampirkan Transkrip Nilai semester terakhir dengan IPK min 3,00
* Melampirkan Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu dari Institusi yang berwenang dari daerah sesuai KTP mahasiswa
* Melampirkan Surat Rekomendasi dari Pihak Perguruan Tinggi
* Mengajukan surat permohonan beasiswa kepada PT. BCA Finance
* Melampirkan fotokopi Kartu Mahasiswa dan KTP
* Menyertakan 2 (dua) lembar pas foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6
* Menyertakan surat keterangan dari pihak kampus mengenai besarnya biaya kuliah tiap semester (SPP) dan atau biaya mata kuliah per kredit (SKS)
* Mencantumkan Nama Universitas dan Nama Kota di sudut kiri atas amplop
* Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak manapun

Berkas persyaratan paling lambat kami terima tanggal 24 September 2010 (Cap Pos)yang dikirimkan ke :

PT BCA Finance
Up. Corporate Planning
Wisma BCA Pondok Indah Lt. 8
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah No. 10
Jakarta 12310

Daftar nama penerima beasiswa akan kami umumkan pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2010 melalui Website BCA Finance :

Penerima beasiswa terpilih akan diundang ke Kantor Pusat BCA Finance di Jakarta selama dua hari untuk mengikuti acara “Meet & Greet” berupa ramah tamah dengan pihak Manajemen BCAF, tour de office, dan konferensi pers. Biaya transportasi dan akomodasi sepenuhnya ditanggung oleh BCA Finance.

Keputusan hasil penerima beasiswa adalah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Proses penyaringan akhir dilaksanakan oleh tim seleksi BCA Finance.

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Erasmus Mundus-EMLE Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus-EMLE Scholarships
The European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE) is offered by a consortium of seven universities: Erasmus University Rotterdam (co-ordinating institution) , University of Hamburg, University of Bologna, University of Gent, University of Aix-Marseille, Victoria University of Manchester and University of Vienna.

The EMLE has been recognized by the European Commission as an Erasmus Mundus Master Programme of "outstanding academic quality". The Erasmus Mundus label allows the EMLE programme to annually grant a substantial number of scholarships (including several full scholarships to non-European students).

This programme offers the unique opportunity for interdisciplinary studies of law and economics at two or even three European and Non-European universities. Each partner university awards a Master degree (LL.M. / M.A. / M.Sc.). The programme provides students with an advanced understanding of the economic effects of divergent laws and prepares students for a professional career, for example, in public organisations, in multinational law firms or consultancy firms. Graduates are also well prepared for doctorate research in a PhD programme such as the European Doctorate in Law and Economics.

The Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for non-Europeans aim at strengthening European co-operation and international links in higher education by enabling students and visiting scholars from around the world to engage in postgraduate study at European universities.

In the EMLE programme, this means that each year a number of non-European students will receive a grant of 24,000 € per selected student.

1. The EMLE programme has been selected by the European Commission as an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Course under the Erasmus Mundus II Framework for the period 2010/2011-2013/ 2014! This implies that the EMLE programme will be able to offer Erasmus Mundus students scholarships for those academic years.

2. The EMLE consortium will change per the academic year 2010/2011: The University of Manchester will no longer participate in the EMLE programme; the Warsaw School of Economics (Warsaw, Poland) and the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (Mumbai, India) will join the Consortium and the University of Bologna will no longer participate in the third term. The EMLE website will be updated to the new situation in due time.

3. The European Commission has asked us to inform you that applicants can apply for a maximum of three Erasmus Mundus courses in the academic year 2011/2012. Applicants who apply to more than three programmes will be excluded from a scholarship!

4. Furthermore, students who have already received an Erasmus Mundus scholarship in previous years cannot apply for a subsequent Erasmus Mundus scholarship.

5. The distinction between 'European Students' and 'Third Country Students' is made in accordance with the criteria of the European Union. Third Country Students are: "Nationals coming from all countries other than the 27 EU Member States and the EEA-EFTA states (Island, Liechtenstein and Norway) who are not residents of any of the above countries, and who have not carried out their main activities (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the above countries."

6. The fifteen highest ranked admitted non-European applicants who are not nominated for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship will receive a partial waiver of the tuition fee of 4,000 euro.

Application Procedure

Students from third countries who wish to apply for the EMLE programme have to follow the procedure that is described below. If you also want to apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, you can indicate this in the Online Application Form, there are no separate documents to fill out.

Please fill out and submit the Online Application Form.
You have to attach your letter of motivation and your CV (in Europass CV format) to the Online Application Form. (note: you can store your entries and finish the form later). After submission of the form, you will receive an e-mail with the filled-out form. Please print out this e-mail, sign it and send it together with the other application documents (see below) to:

Marianne Breijer (Application EMLE Programme)
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Law
Room L5-084
Burg. Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Note: All application documents should arrive at the Erasmus University ultimately on November 15, 2010. Please make sure that you send your documents in time, so that they reach us before the deadline!Incomplete applications or applications that reach us after the deadline will not be taken into consideration!

Along with the Online Application Form, send the following documents.

a) Europass C.V. in English.
Besides this hardcopy of your CV, you also have to attach the C.V. to the Online Application Form. Click here to download the Europass C.V. template and instructions.

b) Letter of motivation.
In this letter, explain why you are interested in Law & Economics in general and in the EMLE Programme in particular. Besides this hardcopy, you also have to send the letter of motivation as attachment to the Online Application Form.

c) Two letters of recommendation.
These letters can be e.g. from your university or employers. Referees must use this form.

d) Certified copy of your diploma.
The EMLE is a postgraduate course. Preference will be given to applicants who have already a first masters degree. The minimum requirement for admission is a bachelor degree, provided that this degree leads up to employability in the relevant labour market. In particular with respect to the legal profession, stricter job qualifying criteria (first master degree) may be required by national regulations. Applicants with a bachelor degree only need to provide proof that this degree is an appropriate level of qualification in the labour market in their home country.

Besides graduates in Law or Economics, applicants with a first degree in business administration or in social sciences may also apply under the condition that the completed study programme includes a substantial number of courses in law and/or economics. The above requirement with respect to employability in the labour market equally applies.

Students who have not yet graduated but who expect to graduate before July 2011 can also apply for admission to the EMLE programme. If such a student is selected for the programme, this is under the deferring condition that (s)he sends a copy of the diploma ultimately mid-July 2011.

Completed and official certificates, or legalized copies thereof, of all previous university studies must be submitted. All academic records that are not in English must be accompanied by certified English translations.

Please note that only official certificates or legalized/certified copies are accepted. Ordinary copies will not be processed!

e) Transcripts / grade lists.
Completed and official transcripts, or legalized copies thereof, of all previous university studies must be submitted. All academic records that are not in English must be accompanied by certified English translations. Transcripts and grade lists can also be sent to us directly by the university. In that case, please clearly indicate this in the application files that you send to us.

Please note that only official transcripts or legalized/certified copies are accepted. Ordinary copies will not be processed!

f) Statement regarding English proficiency.
Applicants whose native language is not English must provide original test scores for one of the following standardized English proficiency tests (important: the test result has to reach us before the application deadline, so make sure to schedule the test in time!):

*TOEFL: minimum score of 575 paper-based, 230 computer-based or 90 internet based. The Institutional Code is 0798 (this is the Rotterdam School of Management, which forwards the TOEFL test results to the EMLE programme)
*IELTS (academic module): minimum score of 6.5
*Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English: Grades A, B, C
*Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English: Grades A, B

Applicants who have studied for two or more years in, or received a degree from, a college or university in a country where English is both the language of instruction and the native language are not required to take one of the above-mentioned proficiency tests. This also includes for example India, Nigeria, the Philippines etc. An official certificate from the applicants' school/university is required to confirm that the medium of instruction is English.

g) Photocopy of passport or ID.

h) An original Passport Photo (please write your full name on the back

i) Proof of payment of the application fee.
The application fee is differentiated in five categories, based on the Gross National Income Per Capita (GNIPC) in 2003, as calculated by the Worldbank. The lowest fee, for countries with the a GNIPC below $ 1,000 is 0 EURO. The highest fee, for countries with a GNIPC above $ 20,000 is 120 EURO.

Contact detail:

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The way to AMINEF in Gedung Balai Pustaka

American Indonesian Exchange Foundation
Balai Pustaka Building, 6th. Floor
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4
Jakarta 10720, Indonesia

1. The buses which goes to Senen Bus Station all of them pass through Gedung Balai Pustaka. Especially which route is through Pasar Baru .

2. Bus Transjakarta, from Blok M you have to change the bus 2-3 times.
Way 1 : from Blok M change the bus in Dukuh Atas bus stop to the bus towards Pulogadung, then take a bus in Pramuka bus stop towards Ancol, this bus pass through Gedung Balai Pustaka. The closest bus stop (Budi Utomo) is about 800 meters from Gedung Balai .
Way 2 : From Blok M take the bus in the Harmoni Bus Stop, the bus towards Pulogadung, get down in Senen Bus Stop and walk about 800 meters, or from this bus stop take the bus towards Ancol and get down as mentioned in way 1. About the distance, this two bus stops is about the same. (It is better if you take ojek or bajaj from this bus stop to Gedung Balai Pustaka)

3. If you take taxi with old tariff (TL=Tarif Lama) from blok M with no traffic jam is about Rp. 30.000,00.

4. From Blok M use bus Patas AC 76. Gedung Balai Pustaka is in the right side, after you pass through Depag, and say to conductor "Balai Pustaka"

5. Use a busway from Blok M towards Kota, get down in Sawah Besar bus stop. From here take a Mikrolet M12 towards Senen. After cross road Wahidin and before senen get down and cross the street.

Living Cost in Germany

Living Cost in Germany is vary from city to city, but this is th case if you stay in Aachen, Germany
Student accommodation or private sharing : 180 - 230 euros per month
Food : 10 - 12 euros per day (if eating outside)
Transport for students : free within Aachen and until Koln and Dusseldorf in regional trains)

Living Cost In Austria

Living Cost in Austria is depending on the city, for example the Capital of Austria, Vienna:
- Dormitory is about 250-400 euro per month.
- Living Cost 200-400 euro per month.
- Transportation 128 euro per 4 months (student and age < 26), or 49 euro per month (ordinary)

For visa, it has to be a letter from the University/Scholl in Austria. It takes about 2-3 months.

Where to do GMAT Test

GMAT Tests are held in Jakarta, Indonesia :
1. EEC Slipi +62-21 5320044 or +62-215323176
2. Kaplan GMAT Preparation +62-81388908450, +62-21 5211588, +62-215211701 (Information abaout this test can be asked in that number)
3. Or this number +62-213159225

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