Post-doc position in Systems Biology
Starting date: between October 1, 2008 and January 1, 2009
Duration: 2 years
Location : Université Libre de Bruxelles, Genomic and Structural BioInformatics
Unit, avenue Roosevelt, 50, CP 165/61, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Subject: Dynamical modeling of gene regulation networks
The focus will be on the mathematical modeling of the time evolution of gene expression levels across the cell cycles or across the development stages of the host organisms, on the basis of available experimental data such as DNA microarray time series. Particular attention will be paid to the analysis of network modifications due to illnesses (e.g. cancer) or external stimuli. This project is within the framework of Modeling, optimization and control of biochemical processes, a topic included in the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole DYSCO (Dynamical Systems, Control and Optimization). The candidate should have a PhD in physics, mathematics, bioengineering, chemistry, bioinformatics or applied mathematics engineering, with a strong expertise in dynamical modeling and/or systems biology. She/he should be interested in a transdisciplinary approach of both mathematical analysis and biological applications.
Application should include a cover letter and curriculum vitae, and should be sent
before September 1, 2008 to:
Prof. Marianne Rooman
Email :
Website :
Starting date: between October 1, 2008 and January 1, 2009
Duration: 2 years
Location : Université Libre de Bruxelles, Genomic and Structural BioInformatics
Unit, avenue Roosevelt, 50, CP 165/61, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Subject: Dynamical modeling of gene regulation networks
The focus will be on the mathematical modeling of the time evolution of gene expression levels across the cell cycles or across the development stages of the host organisms, on the basis of available experimental data such as DNA microarray time series. Particular attention will be paid to the analysis of network modifications due to illnesses (e.g. cancer) or external stimuli. This project is within the framework of Modeling, optimization and control of biochemical processes, a topic included in the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole DYSCO (Dynamical Systems, Control and Optimization). The candidate should have a PhD in physics, mathematics, bioengineering, chemistry, bioinformatics or applied mathematics engineering, with a strong expertise in dynamical modeling and/or systems biology. She/he should be interested in a transdisciplinary approach of both mathematical analysis and biological applications.
Application should include a cover letter and curriculum vitae, and should be sent
before September 1, 2008 to:
Prof. Marianne Rooman
Email :
Website :