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Saturday, June 6, 2009

PhD Studentship-Electricity Demand Reduction and Responsive Strategies for Mining Operations

University of Exeter
CSM Trust funded PhD Studentship
Electricity Demand Reduction and Responsive Strategies for Mining Operations

Applications are invited for a three year PhD studentship based within the Camborne School of Mines (CSM), at the University of Exeter's Cornwall Campus near Falmouth, researching the theme of ‘Electricity Demand Reduction and Responsive Strategies for Mining Operations'. This project will contribute to CSM's continuing expansion of research interests in mining and energy. The studentship is being funded by the CSM Trust and will be supervised by Dr Gareth Kennedy and Dr Patrick Foster.
Main objectives of the project:
The electricity demand of mining operations has become an increasingly important factor during the last few decades, particularly with rising energy costs and the limited availability of energy resource. As mining operations continue to grow larger in size, and with the price of electricity set to increase significantly in the near future, a comprehensive strategy to account for these changes will be necessary. The project will concentrate predominantly on developing novel demand reduction and management strategies capable of reducing the electricity demand specifically when the mine is operating under peak conditions. The scheme will forecast the electrical efficiency of a mine several hours and days in advanced, providing the mining operator a real time and pro-active tool for advisory decision support.
The aims and objectives of the project are to: -

study the load demand profile in the mining sector to characterise the overall effects of load-shifting and reduction technique;
develop demand reduction and management strategies that can be deployed in an underground mine without affecting the safe operation of the mines;
develop a prototype smart technology and instrumentation system that will enable such strategies to be implemented;
evaluate carbon footprint reduction as the result of implementing a demand reduction/management system in the mining sector.
Main duties and responsibilities:
The successful applicant will make original contributions to this research through the development of novel control and responsive strategies for reducing electricity costs in mining operations. He/she will be expected to study mine power systems (if there is no prior knowledge) and operations in order to develop this intelligent responsive scheme. The student will be required to participate in the PhD training and development programme offered by the University.
The successful student will also have the opportunity to work closely with the mining industry. This will include on-site visits to underground mines (potentially both in and outside of the UK), obtaining data, and collaborating with major mining companies. In addition to the project work, the student will be expected to attend and present at international conference(s) and publish their work.
Relevant Experience/Qualifications/Skills:

Experience in numerical and computational methods.
A minimum of an Upper Second Class (2.1) degree in electrical and electronic engineering, mining engineering or related disciplines
Competent use of email and word processing;
Possess good verbal and written communication skills, including the ability to produce high quality written technical reports.

Evidence of experience in modelling and forecasting electricity demand would be an advantage.
Experience in smart technology and instrumentation system design.
An MSc in electrical, electronic, or mining engineering or a related discipline would be an advantage.
Strong analytical and problem solving skills, including a good knowledge in electrical and electronic engineering. Good understanding about mining operations will be an advantage.
Familiar with LABView, MATLAB or power system simulation packages such as IPSA, PowerFactory/DigSILENT, PSS/E and PSCAD/EMTDC.
The studentship is for three years and available from 1 October 2009. It includes a maintenance grant of £13290 per annum with all fees paid for Home/EU students.
Applicants should send a covering letter and a detailed CV, together with names and addresses of two referees to Laura Taylor, Closing date: 30th June 2009
Informal Enquiries: Before submitting an application you may wish to discuss the post further by contacting Dr Gareth Kennedy (Tel: 01326 371876, email: or Dr Patrick Foster (Tel: 01326 371828, email:

The way to AMINEF in Gedung Balai Pustaka

American Indonesian Exchange Foundation
Balai Pustaka Building, 6th. Floor
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4
Jakarta 10720, Indonesia

1. The buses which goes to Senen Bus Station all of them pass through Gedung Balai Pustaka. Especially which route is through Pasar Baru .

2. Bus Transjakarta, from Blok M you have to change the bus 2-3 times.
Way 1 : from Blok M change the bus in Dukuh Atas bus stop to the bus towards Pulogadung, then take a bus in Pramuka bus stop towards Ancol, this bus pass through Gedung Balai Pustaka. The closest bus stop (Budi Utomo) is about 800 meters from Gedung Balai .
Way 2 : From Blok M take the bus in the Harmoni Bus Stop, the bus towards Pulogadung, get down in Senen Bus Stop and walk about 800 meters, or from this bus stop take the bus towards Ancol and get down as mentioned in way 1. About the distance, this two bus stops is about the same. (It is better if you take ojek or bajaj from this bus stop to Gedung Balai Pustaka)

3. If you take taxi with old tariff (TL=Tarif Lama) from blok M with no traffic jam is about Rp. 30.000,00.

4. From Blok M use bus Patas AC 76. Gedung Balai Pustaka is in the right side, after you pass through Depag, and say to conductor "Balai Pustaka"

5. Use a busway from Blok M towards Kota, get down in Sawah Besar bus stop. From here take a Mikrolet M12 towards Senen. After cross road Wahidin and before senen get down and cross the street.

Living Cost in Germany

Living Cost in Germany is vary from city to city, but this is th case if you stay in Aachen, Germany
Student accommodation or private sharing : 180 - 230 euros per month
Food : 10 - 12 euros per day (if eating outside)
Transport for students : free within Aachen and until Koln and Dusseldorf in regional trains)

Living Cost In Austria

Living Cost in Austria is depending on the city, for example the Capital of Austria, Vienna:
- Dormitory is about 250-400 euro per month.
- Living Cost 200-400 euro per month.
- Transportation 128 euro per 4 months (student and age < 26), or 49 euro per month (ordinary)

For visa, it has to be a letter from the University/Scholl in Austria. It takes about 2-3 months.

Where to do GMAT Test

GMAT Tests are held in Jakarta, Indonesia :
1. EEC Slipi +62-21 5320044 or +62-215323176
2. Kaplan GMAT Preparation +62-81388908450, +62-21 5211588, +62-215211701 (Information abaout this test can be asked in that number)
3. Or this number +62-213159225

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