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Monday, March 24, 2008

PhD-positions in Web Information Systems at TU Delft

TU Delft is searching for candidates for
PhD-positions in Web Information Systems.

The Department of Software Technology at TU Delft in the Netherlands comprises the university's research groups working on core Computer Science topics.

The department is responsible for a large part of the curriculum of the BSc and MSc programmes in Computer Science, including the master program on Information Architecture.

The department's research mission is to perform excellent research at an internationally recognised level in the design, construction and analysis of complex concurrent and co-operative computer and information systems.

Inspiration for the research topics is derived largely from technical ICT problems in industry and society. The department starts next to the existing groups on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems, and Algorithms, a new group on Web Information Systems ( <> ) that concentrates in its research on advanced technology for large-scale information systems, specifically information systems that involve Web and Semantic Web technology.

For this new group we are looking for different project, ranging from 2 to 4 years, PhD-students that can work on methods, techniques and tools for designing and developing Web information systems, and handling distributed data.

Successful candidates should possess the following knowledge and skills:
- advanced information systems design & modeling
- (Semantic) Web technologies and languages
- good programming skills, ability to develop proof-of-concept tools
- basic software engineering methods and techniques

The candidate's specific areas of interest might include, but are not limited to:
- design methodologies for Web information systems
- Web engineering
- semi-structured data and XML
- Semantic Web languages, e.g. RDF(S)
- query & transformation languages for Web data
- data distribution and interoperability
- ontology-based reasoning techniques
- adaptation, personalization, and user modeling
- aspect-oriented software development
- service-oriented architectures

We invite candidates that are interested in these positions to contact Geert-Jan Houben via email at, mentioning "Positions PhD03" in the subject of the email and attaching a CV with relevant details on prior education, skills and experience, and a short description of their motivation for the candidacy.

The way to AMINEF in Gedung Balai Pustaka

American Indonesian Exchange Foundation
Balai Pustaka Building, 6th. Floor
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4
Jakarta 10720, Indonesia

1. The buses which goes to Senen Bus Station all of them pass through Gedung Balai Pustaka. Especially which route is through Pasar Baru .

2. Bus Transjakarta, from Blok M you have to change the bus 2-3 times.
Way 1 : from Blok M change the bus in Dukuh Atas bus stop to the bus towards Pulogadung, then take a bus in Pramuka bus stop towards Ancol, this bus pass through Gedung Balai Pustaka. The closest bus stop (Budi Utomo) is about 800 meters from Gedung Balai .
Way 2 : From Blok M take the bus in the Harmoni Bus Stop, the bus towards Pulogadung, get down in Senen Bus Stop and walk about 800 meters, or from this bus stop take the bus towards Ancol and get down as mentioned in way 1. About the distance, this two bus stops is about the same. (It is better if you take ojek or bajaj from this bus stop to Gedung Balai Pustaka)

3. If you take taxi with old tariff (TL=Tarif Lama) from blok M with no traffic jam is about Rp. 30.000,00.

4. From Blok M use bus Patas AC 76. Gedung Balai Pustaka is in the right side, after you pass through Depag, and say to conductor "Balai Pustaka"

5. Use a busway from Blok M towards Kota, get down in Sawah Besar bus stop. From here take a Mikrolet M12 towards Senen. After cross road Wahidin and before senen get down and cross the street.

Living Cost in Germany

Living Cost in Germany is vary from city to city, but this is th case if you stay in Aachen, Germany
Student accommodation or private sharing : 180 - 230 euros per month
Food : 10 - 12 euros per day (if eating outside)
Transport for students : free within Aachen and until Koln and Dusseldorf in regional trains)

Living Cost In Austria

Living Cost in Austria is depending on the city, for example the Capital of Austria, Vienna:
- Dormitory is about 250-400 euro per month.
- Living Cost 200-400 euro per month.
- Transportation 128 euro per 4 months (student and age < 26), or 49 euro per month (ordinary)

For visa, it has to be a letter from the University/Scholl in Austria. It takes about 2-3 months.

Where to do GMAT Test

GMAT Tests are held in Jakarta, Indonesia :
1. EEC Slipi +62-21 5320044 or +62-215323176
2. Kaplan GMAT Preparation +62-81388908450, +62-21 5211588, +62-215211701 (Information abaout this test can be asked in that number)
3. Or this number +62-213159225

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