The newest offerings and updated daily

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Ginés-Mera Memorial Fellowship Fund for Postgraduate Studies

The Ginés-Mera Memorial Fellowship Fund for Postgraduate Studies - Call for Applications centered on Asia

We are pleased to announce the 2008 call for applications to The Ginés-Mera Memorial Fellowship Fund for Postgraduate Studies. The Fund is supported by the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), which provides resources, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical).

For more information please visit:
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Friday, May 30, 2008

PhD position in GKSS germany (polymer research)

In the frame of the BMBF-project "Carbomembrane-Membranes for Desalination and Gas Separation" the Institute of Polymer Research at GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht has a 3 year PhD position available.

We are looking for a
Chemist or Chemical Engineer - Code-No. PM 4

as soon as possible who is interested in the development of polymer/carbon nanotube composites for membrane applications. Experience in polymer chemistry or membrane technology is advantageous. Applicants need to work interdisciplinary. Good English language skills are required.

The work is a collaboration between the Institute of Polymer Research at GKSS, Bayer Technology Services, Siemens and RWTH Aachen.

We are looking for someone who is highly motivated. The position is available immediately.
Informal inquiries can be directed to Dr. Klaus-Viktor Peinemann (Tel. 2420 - email: )

We offer an appropriate salary related to TV-AVH as well as the applicable public sector social benefits. The GKSS is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer seeking to increase the proportion of female faculty members. Qualified women are therefore especially encouraged to apply. Handicapped persons with equivalent qualifications will be preferred.

Please send your application ( with reference to code-no. PM 4) including C.V., grades and references to our Personnel-Division.
Closing date for applications from 30.05.2008 until 27.06.2008
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PhD scholarship for environment

Just in case someone is interested.
PhD Scholarships for Research in Indonesia

Expressions of interest are sought for two PhD scholarship positions to carry out field research in Indonesia on community, environment and local governance issues.

The successful candidates will work with a team of experienced researchers - Dr Greg Acciaioli (UWA), A/Prof Anton Lucas and Dr Jim Schiller (Flinders), Dr John McCarthy (ANU), and A/Prof Carol Warren (Murdoch), as well as collaborating researchers in the Netherlands and Indonesia on an Australian Research Council Discovery Project entitled 'Social Capital, Natural Resources and Local Governance in Indonesia'. The project will focus on case studies of local decision-making on environmental issues in the context of conservation and development programs in different regions of Indonesia. It aims to improve understanding of contemporary community dynamics in a range of cultural and ecological settings, as well as the practical implications of local participation and capacity building interventions for achieving equity and sustainability outcomes.

The two candidates will be based at Flinders University in Adelaide and Murdoch University in Perth respectively, with location and supervision determined by the focus and site of each student's component of the project. It is anticipated that one student will work in a coastal community where marine conservation issues are the focus of research, while the second student will focus on a primarily agrarian research site in which World Bank / AusAID / NGO local capacity building, conservation and development projects are being conducted.

Essential criteria include:
* a first-class Honours or Masters degree with a thesis component in a relevant social science field
* advanced fluency in Indonesian language
* field research or other equivalent community/overseas experience
* ability to work independently and as part of a team

Potential applicants should send an initial expression of interest (2 pages) addressing the following points:
a) personal details - name, birth date, citizenship status, address, phone and email
b) academic qualifications - degrees, major areas of study, undergraduate grade point average, honours result
c) title of honours thesis or other significant piece of research, and a brief account of the main argument and approach/methodolog y adopted
d) level of competence in quantitative and/or qualitative research methods
e) level of proficiency in the Indonesian language
f) study, work or volunteer experience in Indonesia
g) research interests
h) contact information for two referees who can comment on your academic background and suitability for undertaking this research project

Each scholarship is for a three-year period with a stipend of $25,118 per annum (tax free) and up to $10,000 of additional funding for fieldwork in Indonesia. A relocation allowance will be provided where a
move to Adelaide or Perth is required to join the project.

A shortlist will be determined by the research team in September, at which point applicants will be requested to submit full formal applications and documentation to either Flinders or Murdoch University. The successful candidates are expected to take up their appointments no later than February 2009.

Please forward initial expressions of interest as outlined above by email to:

Professor Carol Warren, Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University
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Carnegie Mellon University-AusAID Scholarships

MSPPM Scholarships & MSIT Scholarships

The Heinz School is committed to making a graduate education affordable for talented students. No separate application is necessary. Students who note in the application for admission that they would like to be considered for financial aid will be automatically considered for any applicable scholarship opportunity. Examples of scholarships include: Carnegie Mellon University-AusAID Scholarships

Carnegie Mellon University-AusAID Scholarships are funded by the Australian Government to support a limited number of students from countries where Australia has a bilateral aid program, to study at the university's Heinz School in Adelaide, Australia. These scholarships are available to full time students.

Scholarship benefits include full tuition, return economy airfares, a contribution to living expenses, and basic medical insurance. Applicants must satisfy both AusAID's general eligibility criteria and the specific criteria established for their country of citizenship.

A detailed listing of eligible countries, criteria (general eligibility and country specific), and scholarship benefits can be found by visiting the AusAID website.

Applications for the January 2009 intake are now being accepted (the closing date for AusAid applications is the 30/06/08.) Carnegie Mellon University-AusAID Scholarships are only available to students who have already been offered a place at Carnegie Mellon University.

MSPPM Scholarships

MSPPM Scholarships are merit based awards available to either full or part time students. South Australian Government Scholarships

Scholarships covering a significant portion of tuition are available. To be considered for a scholarship, applicants will meet Carnegie Mellon's admission requirements. Apply at and answer `yes' when you are asked if you want to be considered for `financial aid.'

Australian students are also eligible for a FEE-HELP tuition loan, which can be used to meet the residual cost of tuition not covered by scholarship.

MSIT Scholarships

MSIT Scholarships are merit based awards available to either full or part time students.
South Australian Government Scholarships

Scholarships covering a significant portion of tuition are available. To be considered for a scholarship, applicants will meet Carnegie Mellon's admission requirements. Apply at and answer `yes' when you are asked if you want to be considered for `financial aid.'

Australian students are also eligible for a FEE-HELP tuition loan, which can be used to meet the residual cost of tuition not covered by scholarship.
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3 PhD scholarships Faculty of Life Sciences, Copenhagen Univ

3 PhD scholarships within Natural Resources Research at the Faculty of Life Sciences

Through financial support the Faculty of Life Sciences, Copenhagen University, The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aarhus University, and industrial collaborators, three PhD scholarships are available within Natural Resources. The three-year studentships are expected to be effective from September 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Applications are welcomed within the following three areas:

1. Sustainable urban water solutions: Enhanced valuation techniques and economic regulation instruments. Project description available from Contact person: Professor Bo Jellesmark Thorsen, Forest and Landscape, LIFE/KU (+45) 3533 1700, E-mail
2. Optimising crop production under restricted water resources. Project description available from Contact person: Associate professor Sven-Erik Jacobsen, Department of Agricultural Sciences, (+45) 3533 3388,
3. Annual food crops with improved tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses. Project description available from Contact person: Associate professor Sven-Erik Jacobsen, Department of Agricultural Sciences, (+45) 3533 3388,

Qualification requirements

In connection with the appointment to the posts, special importance will be attached to the applicants having the professional and personal qualifications stated below:

* A Master´s degree appropriate to the above subject areas

The Ph.D. fellow is also required to have research potential, to be enterprising, to possess good interpersonal skills and to be qualified for enrolment into the PhD programme. Admission requirements are described in the Faculty´s PhD regulations, section 2, available at

Terms of employment
The posts will be filled in accordance with the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Federation of Professional Associations. The post is covered by the Protocol on Job Structure.

The position as a PhD fellow requires the applicant to be approved for admission to the PhD programme at LIFE or another relevant university when accepted for the post.

The PhD fellows will be affiliated with a research school under the Natural Resources Cluster of Research Schools at LIFE.

General questions regarding PhD programmes should be directed to Course Administration c/o special advisor Michael Cleve Hansen, ph. 3533 2056 (e-mail: or head clerk Lillian Zeuthen Bjørnseth, ph. 3533 2172 (e-mail: Further information on PhD programmes is available at

The application with appendices should be submitted in 4 (sorted) identical copies. The application must include a reply e-mail address. Application by e-mail must be sent as one pdf-file including all documents.

It is required to use LIFE´s application form F1, which is available at: The application must include the following appendices marked with the stated appendix numbers:

Appendix 1: curriculum vitae with documentation of education.
Appendix 2: material required for expert assessment, including publications and documentation of work experience.

In addition to the material the applicant wishes to be included in the assessment, the Assessment Committee may implicate additional material in the assessment of the applicant. In such circumstances, it is the responsibility of the applicant, on request, to send the material to the Committee.

Following processing of the application, any application material sent will be destroyed. Receipt of the application will be acknowledged by e-mail only. The applicant will be assessed in accordance with the Executive Order no. 92 of 22. February 2008 of the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The applications (marked 625-90) should be sent to the Cluster of Research Schools in Natural Resources, att./ academic assistant Sofie Kobayashi, Højbakkegård Allé 9, 2630 Taastrup, or, no later than 1. June 2008 at 12.00 noon. The applications shall clearly state which of the above projects they are addressing. Applications received after the closing date for applications will not be considered.

Deadline: 01-06-2008
Publisher: Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet
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PhD Studentship in Economics - City University London

2PhD studentship in Economics
Department of Economics

The Department of Economics at City University, London, is able to offer a three-year studentship to a candidate who wishes to read for a PhD in Economics starting October 2008. The studentship will consist of full remission of fees for three years plus a subsistence grant of £13,500 per year. In return the successful candidate will be expected to provide up to 50 hours per year of undergraduate class teaching and mark 50 undergraduate coursework scripts. Additional teaching and marking may be undertaken subject to approval of the student’s supervisory panel and will be paid at our normal rates.

The areas of interest to the Department are:

* Competition and regulation
* Development Economics
* Econometrics and economic theory
* Financial economics
* Health economics
* History and philosophy of economics
* Macroeconomics and international economics

For more information about current research activity in the Department, please go to, and follow the links from to individual staff web pages. Applicants are advised to contact potential supervisors in their research area with their proposal before making a formal application.

Application procedure.
Please follow the procedure indicated at, making clear that you wish to apply for the Departmental Studentship.

Your proposal should follow the format described at

Applications for the studentship must be received by Friday 18 July 2008. In the event of any queries, please contact the Senior Tutor for Research, Professor Giulia Iori
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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fully funded PhD position in lake research, Univ. of Iceland

A PhD opening is available at the University of Iceland to research the physical behavior of one of Iceland´s largest and deepest lakes, Lake Lagarfljót. The successful candidate will characterize processes such as stratification, internal seiching, and differential heating and cooling through field experiments, analytical and numerical methods.

Applicants should have a Masters degree in Engineering, Physics, Oceanography, or related fields. A strong background in mathematics, probability and statistics, numerical methods and modelling is required. Knowledge of hydrodynamics, programming skills and experience with field and/or laboratory work is advantageous (but not required).

For more information and application guidelines, please visit or contact dr. Hrund Ó. Andradóttir,

Dr. Hrund Ó. Andradóttir
Associate Professor
University of Iceland
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

PhD in multimodality EEG/fMRI and SPECT analysis for epilepsy-Ghent

The Medical and Signal Processing research group (MEDISIP) of the faculty of engineering of the Ghent University offers a Phd position vacancy to work on a project involving EEG/fMRI and SPECT analysis of epilepsy phenomena of spikes and seizures. MEDISIP has a background of PET, SPECT and MR imaging and reconstruction as well as advanced signal processing techniques for EEG source estimation, spike detection and EEG artifact removal.

Further information on MEDISIP's research tracks can be obtained at Candidates should show initiative and be able to work in a team. Experience in programming in MATLAB, low level programming language (C, C++, java,...) is an asset. The candidates will be encouraged to go to international conferences and workshops in the early stages of their PhD. The candidates should submit a CV and motivation letter by mail to or by ordinary mail: Steven Staelens, PhD Ghent University - IBBT Ghent University Hospital- IBITECH - MEDISIP De Pintelaan 185 B-9000 Ghent Belgium

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2 PhD positions in combined human and monkey fMRI-KU Leuven

2 PhD positions in combined human and monkey fMRI Applications are invited for two PhD positions in the Lab of Neurophysiology at the KU Leuven in Belgium to work with Jan Jastorff and Guy Orban on projects involving action perception and 3D structure from motion. Both projects are designed to start with human functional imaging to develop specific paradigms, which can be afterwards also applied for awake monkey fMRI.

Details about the research group can be found at:

Candidates should hold (or expect) a Diploma or Masters degree in a relevant discipline (e.g. Psychology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Computer Science). Programming experience with Matlab and knowledge of statistics is a plus.

Please submit informal enquiries or an application letter, CV, and names of references to Dr. Jan Jastorff (
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Monday, May 26, 2008

Ph D Scholarship Innovation and Market Selection: an Evolutionary Approach

Ph D Scholarship Innovation and Market Selection: an Evolutionary Approach

CNRS-GREDEG, University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, and Department for
Research on Innovation and Competition (OFCE) - SciencesPo (France)

Description of the Subject: Aggregate productivity growth is the outcome of incumbent firms adopting new and superior techniques and (or) entering firms replacing exiting firms with better technologies. This research project will concern market selection mechanisms by characterising innovation as a process of selection (or acquisition) of more productive technologies within firms and a process of selection of firms itself. It will analyse both what happens inside the firms and what happens between firms on the market when firms are engaged in innovative or imitative processes. The first part of the research will be devoted to making a survey of empirical and theoretical analyses of industrial dynamics, which should focus on the relation between innovation and competition. The second part of the research will build a theoretical model of industrial dynamics in order to analyse rivalry and competition among heterogeneous firms. It will determine the market conditions that allow firms to capture productivity gains from past investments. These market conditions are critical to characterising the dynamic equilibrium, similar to a so-called natural market structure. The third and last part will consist in developing an empirical analysis of the determinants of firms’ entry and exit, using French census data. In its conclusion, this research will address critical issues concerning the objectives and channels of industrial policies defined as policies that support development of firms and innovation

Requirements: The successful candidate must be familiar with basic economic modelling and econometrics (master level). Knowledge of English is required. Proficiency in English and the willingness to learn French are appreciated.

This is a PhD public scholarship for three years, starting from September 2008 onwards, with an annual pay of 16,000 Euros before income tax. The candidate will be hosted at CNRS/GREDEG and OFCE/DRIC. GREDEG (CNRS and University of Nice Sophia Antipolis) is a research group in industrial economics. OFCE-DRIC ( is a department of the research centre in economics of Sciences-Po Paris, a leading French higher education institution. The Department for Research on Innovation and Competition (OFCE-DRIC), in association with the GREDEG, studies a broad set of topics related to structural change, innovation and trade. It has a strong emphasis on empirical approaches: (i) for the analysis of economic performances of firms and countries engaged in innovation processes or concerned with the entry in new markets; (ii) for the evaluation of public policies (competition and regulation policies, but also fiscal and banking ones). Its researchers combine a good grasp of economic theory with various econometric methods
applied to firm and plant level datasets.

Supervisor: Jean-Luc Gaffard Professor of Economics, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and CNRS-GREDEG, Head of the Department for Research on Innovation and Competition (OFCE Centre de Recherche en Economie de Sciences-Po)

Location: CNRS-GREDEG / University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and OFCE Department for Research on Innovation and Competition, 250 Avenue Albert Einstein, 06560 Valbonne, France.

Application: Applications will be received no later than June 30 2008. A master degree is required. To apply send a hard-copy of a cover letter, a full CV, a letter of recommendation, and a scholarly work or a research paper to:

Prof. Jean-Luc Gaffard, OFCE-DRIC, 250 rue Albert Einstein, 06560 Valbonne, France, e-mail: jeanluc.gaffard @
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PhD studentship: Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) Zurich

PhD Student (60%)

Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS), ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

The Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) at ETH Zurich seeks a PhD Student (60%) interested in writing his/her PhD thesis in the context of a project on water management in the Zambezi river basin.

Research area: Your PhD research will be part of a large interdisciplinary project that studies integrated water resources management in the Zambezi river basin ( It will focus on issues of multi-level governance from a political science and economics viewpoint.

Your background: We are looking for a candidate who holds an MA/MSc in political science and/or economics. Ideally, applicants should have strong methodological skills in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis, a keen interest in questions of political economy, good knowledge of political science, economic and political economy theories, and a strong command of English. Willingness and ability to spend several months in southern Africa to collect data and interact with local project partners is essential.

What we offer: We offer the successful candidate an intellectually challenging position in one of the leading political science research centers in Europe, an exciting opportunity to engage in field research in southern Africa, and the prospects of obtaining a PhD degree from ETH Zurich ( The position is funded for three years in the order of CHF 3’000.- / month. The advisors of the PhD thesis will be Prof. Thomas Bernauer ( and Prof. Rolf Kappel (

Your application: We invite you to submit an application letter and CV, two letters of recommendation, and other application materials to ETH Zürich, Ms. Claudia Jenny, ETH Zurich, ETH Zentrum SEI G.1, CH-8092 Zurich (cjenny @, preferably in electronic form. The deadline is 30 June 2008.
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PhD fellowship in agricultural economics -- Ireland

PhD fellowship in agricultural economics

Rural Economy Research Centre, Teagasc & UCD, Ireland (Ireland)
Ireland: PhD Studentship in Agricultural Economics, Teagasc & University College Dublin
PhD Studentship description

This project evaluates the economic costs and benefits associated with alternative management practises of Genetically Modified (GM) crop technology. Specific research questions relating to the following issues will be examined: (i) a comparison of the costs of co-existence accruing to conventional crop producers and the potential benefits accruing to GM adopting producers (ii) factors affecting farmer’s attitudes to GM technology adoption and (iii) consumer willingness to pay for GM versus non GM food end products. This study will provide valuable lessons for policy by deepening our understanding of the economics of co-existence of conventional and GM crop technology.

The PhD student will be based part-time at the Rural Economy Research Centre, Teagasc and the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Business Section, School of Agriculture, Food Science & Veterinary Medicine at University College Dublin. There is also the possibility that the student may spend a semester at a US university collaborating with experts in the area of consumer willingness to pay studies in relation to GM technology.

• Degree in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Science or related discipline
• An interest in applied microeconomics in particular agricultural or environmental economics
• Excellent quantitative skills.

Conditions of employment Stipend: €21,000 per annum (from which tuition fees must be paid) Duration of the contract: 3 years beginning September, 2008

Additional Information Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from: Dr. Fiona Thorne Email:

Application Interested candidates should either post or email their CVs before June 13th to Dr. Fiona Thorne, RERC, Teagasc, Malahide Road, Kinsealy, Dublin 17, Fiona.thorne @ Deadline: June 13th, 2008
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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Financing your education (PhD) in United States university

*Research Assistantships*

Research assistantships (RAs) offer students an opportunity to gain valuable
research-related experience, develop close working relationships with
faculty, and sometimes earn co-authorship on peer-reviewed publications.
Assistantships come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Just as our students
represent a wide range of experience and training, so do the available RA
positions necessitate an array of skill levels. The degree of expertise
required for a particular assistantship is dictated by the nature of the
project. The duties of an RA may include, but are not limited to:

- literature searches,
- questionnaire development,
- administration of questionnaires,
- interviewing of study participants,
- data collection,
- quality control tasks,
- data analysis,
- manuscript writing, and
- proposal development.

The duration of RA positions is quite variable. Some are short-term (weeks
or even days in duration) and some may last for a year or more. The number
of hours of work per week also varies, typically ranging from 15-20 hours
per week. Stipend rates vary depending on level of skills required and
funding availability.

Research assistantships become available throughout the year, as new grants
are funded or existing ones extended. Opportunities are usually plentiful,
and over the years most epidemiology students who wish to work have been
able to do so. However, the grants that fund student assistantships are
from sources outside the University, and may carry uncertainties;
consequently, it is rarely possible to promise such a position before the
student arrives on Campus. A new student should be prepared to handle his
or her full expenses at first, with the reasonable hope that an
assistantship can be obtained within a fairly short time.

*How to get a research assistantship*

- Upon an offer of admission, you will be given access to web application
for requesting consideration for research assistantships. This notifies the
Department that a student would like to be considered for a service
appointment (that is, an appointment for which some number of hours of work
is required). During the summer, these applications are duplicated and
distributed to all department faculty and adjunct faculty to notify them of
new students who might be suitable for positions on their research projects.
- New assistantship opportunities are announced via a departmental
listserve. Applicants who receive an offer of admission will be given the
opportunity to subscribe to this listserve.
- Students interested in research assistantships should talk with faculty
and ask them about possibilities.

* Teaching Assistantships*

Students in the department may gain teaching experience through Teaching
Assistantship (TA) positions. Just as with the Research Assistantships, TA
positions are available to students with different skill levels. TAs work
with faculty in the preparation of course materials, the preparation of the
class schedule, the assembly of course-packs, and in the pre-testing of
evaluation instruments. During the courses, TAs observe lectures and make
themselves available to students for clarification of concepts and terms
used in those lectures; review the exercises used in course materials and/or
textbooks; they conduct question-and-answer sessions structured around
examples and exercises used in various sections of applied courses; and they
make themselves available to answer questions from students in clarification
sessions prior to quizzes, tests, and final examination.

The number of hours of work per week varies according to the demands of the
course. Stipend rates vary depending on level of skills required and
funding availability.

*How to get a teaching assistantship:*

TA positions for new students are limited, but may be available to students
entering with prior epidemiology training. Most of the TA opportunities are
for EPID 600, a service course for non-majors that satisfies the SPH core
requirement. Students who have completed more advanced training may serve
as TAs for upper-level methods courses. In addition, opportunities are
sometimes available in the substantive epidemiology courses. TAs in the
advanced level courses usually serve at the invitation of the primary course
instructor; however, the instructors will always welcome an inquiry from
students who have a strong interest in a particular course. Students
interested in teaching assistantships should contact our
Student Services Office.

*In-State Tuition Award*

In-state students may receive an In-State Tuition Award that provides
tuition support, not to include fees. To be eligible, the student must be
appointed as a teaching assistant, research assistant, fellow or trainee;
earn a minimum of $6500 per semester ($7200 for TAs) (2007-08 academic
year); and be enrolled full-time.

Out-of-state students are also eligible for the In-State Tuition Award, if
they receive a concurrent tuition remission award.

* Training Grants*

Several institutional training grants from NIH agencies provide support for epidemiology students. Students who apply for training support must be in
a program leading to the PhD, or must have a prior doctoral degree. Under
NIH provisions, trainees must be United States citizens or Permanent

The grant pays a portion of tuition and fees, in addition to a stipend. The
current NIH predoctoral stipend is $20,772 for a 12-month appointment.
Postdoctoral stipends vary according to the trainee's years of experience.
Training grant appointments are non-service, but generally require a
research apprenticeship. However, the student's career interests and
research project must be within the area for which the grant is funded.

Current department training grants fund a number of students studying issues
in cancer, cardiovascular disease, environmental, occupational and
nutritional epidemiology. Faculty participating in administration of each
grant select the trainees. Application forms are available from the Student
Services Office. The Principal Investigators for the departmental training
grants are as follows:

Upon an offer of admission, you will be given access to web application for
requesting consideration for a training grant position.

Certain related programs on campus also fund epidemiology students through
NIH training grants. Interested students should contact the program
directly. Continue Reading...

WHO Research Leadership Development Training Grants (LTG)

Call for applications
Research Leadership Development Training Grants (LTG)
*Important notes*

All applications must be received by 15 June 2008 only by email at Email subject line must include "LTG" . Read and carefully follow instructions in each item on the application form. In addition, pages 1, and 12 (with original signatures) should be mailed to:

World Health Organization
CH - 1211 Geneva 27

Fax copies are not accepted. Read and carefully follow instructions in each item. Late and incomplete applications will not be processed. Applicants from countries requiring national endorsement should submit their application through proper channels. All candidates should send a copy of their application to the WHO Representative's Office in their home country for information purpose. For further information, please contact Dr Valaikanya Plasai at:

The UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) invites applications for the award of up to 10 grants in post-graduate training in health research in an academic institution in disease endemic countries. Particular attention will be paid to applications from the following: Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as defined by the United Nations; female applicants; applications proposing a local study programme; and Social science applications to health research.

This is a new type of TDR grant that replaces the Research Training Grants (RTG). While the focus of the training and development is the individual grantee, this new approach makes provision for development opportunities for the grantee's home institutions in order to make improvements to research practices at the institution. Various training technologies will be utilized, including mentorship at different stages of development, and learning contracts.


TDR launched a new strategy in June, 2007, with a vision to foster "an effective global research effort on infectious diseases of poverty in which disease endemic countries play a pivotal role." TDR's new vision is realized through a three-pronged strategy: stewardship, empowerment, and research on neglected diseases. DECs should have a prominent role in setting research priorities that are responsive to the need of, and ensure relevance to, sustainable and optimal health impact for the poor. Stewardship provides a collaborative framework and information service for research partners, and empowerment ensures that scientists and public health professionals from DECs can become prominent leaders who initiate and lead research activities.

* Description of the grant scheme*

TDR Empowerment <> (also called Business Line 2) envisions a comprehensive, sustainable research capacity development programme. Both individual researchers and their home institutions are supported collectively. With the active engagement of the host academic institutes, the trainees are encouraged to develop into future research leaders and partners in capacity building for health research in DECs. TDR is particularly looking to strengthen capacity in applying social sciences in health research. For this year, only applications for doctorate studies will be considered.

The grant provides the following opportunities:.

1. Individual post-graduate training in health research. TDR is looking to develop a group of young scientists from DECs who will become leaders in their fields of study, and in initiating research projects that are relevant to their countries. This group of young scientists will be expected to strive for relevance, excellence and high standards of ethics in conducting health research for DECs.
2. Relevant capacity development at the home institute and/or academic institute can be considered for optimal training of grantee.

The longer term outcome of the programme is enhanced DEC leadership and capacity, at individual as well as institutional levels, in relevant technical and research management. The programme expects the trained individuals and their institutions to play pivotal, leadership roles in conceptualizing and prioritizing research needs, harnessing resources to respond to needs, maintaining contacts with key stakeholders for research and capacity needs, and communicating the research results to the public. The home institution and the individual should garner a strong presence in the research community in the region, and ultimately become a resource for such leadership training in the region. The individual scientists who are trained by this grant should serve as the focal points in each of the institutes, and will be continuously supported and developed by TDR to become leaders, to take leading roles in initiating relevant research for their countries and region.

* Eligibility criteria*

* Applicants must:*
1. Be a national of disease endemic countries, usually not more than 35 years of age on the month of application;
2. Been working for the last 12 months in a national institute that has a research element in a disease endemic country, and is committed to work with the institute for a minimum of five years after completion of the study;
3. Propose a study topic and a study plan that is relevant to the needs of DEC, of TDR Business Lines (BLs) and diseases, and to the proposed research;
4. Demonstrate interest and potential for leadership and innovation.

*Institutions must: *
1. Be a national, or a not-for-profit, institution in a DEC with an element of health research on TDR-relevant issues and diseases;
2. Allow the applicant to be trained in a post-graduate programme for up to three years;
3. Support the research proposal of the individual and develop an institutional research plan in the proposed area.Two letters of reference scanned and attached to the application.

* Selection** criteria*
Applications will be judged based on four elements which are equally important:

1. The applicants:
- Excellent track record, as a researcher as well as principled public health professional
- Conceptual and management capacities
- Potential for leadership development in own field of research
2. The institution:
- Excellent track record as a national institution, with an element of research in TDR's issues and diseases.
- Strong commitment to support the individual applicant, and the study plan proposed by the individual applicant
- Potential for leadership capacity development, and support from leadership at higher levels for such development
3. The study plan:
- Coherent with, and supporting of, the proposed research
- Showing linkages between individual and home institution development
4. The proposed research will be judged according to the following criteria:
- Excellence (feasibility, impact, innovativeness, scientific and research logic, and quality of the proposal)
- Compliant with international standards of research, Good Clinical Practice, ethics, and safety-related issue
- TDR relevance (conformance to TDR issues and diseases, public health relevance, and pertinent to the needs in the region.)
- Whether the proposed research experience will fulfill the applicant's development needs
- Potential of serving as platform for leadership and capacity development in the region
- Physical environment appropriate for the proposed research (lab space, available technology, computer time, etc.)

* Priorities for selection*
- Applications from LDCs
- Women
- Study plans that propose training in own country or region
- Social science applications to health research

* Selection process*
All applications that are submitted before the deadline will be checked against eligibility criteria by TDR. All eligible applications are then forwarded to two members of the Training Steering Committee (TSC) for review. TDR may seek external reviewers if there is no expertise within the Committee. These reviewers submit their reviews to TDR for short listing of qualified applications. TDR representatives then make a visit to evaluate the institute against institutional eligibility criteria, as well as evaluating the applicants' potential for development, and make recommendations to TSC, which meets in November. TSC reviews the evaluation on individual applicants made by the reviewers, and the recommendations about institutions and applicants made by the site visit, and makes recommendations to TDR Director for approval of grants.

* Timeline for selection of applications*
March 2008 Call for Applications 15 June 2008 Applications deadline July 2008 Applications reviewed by two members of the Training Steering Committee (TSC), or by two external reviewers as requested by TSC 31 July 2008 Shortlist of successful Applications available By 15 August 2008 Notification to unsuccessful applicants by TDR August 2008 Site visit and evaluation by TDR representative(s) November 2008 Applications reviewed, and recommendations made, by Research Training Steering Committee (TSC), Empowerment 1 week after TSC's recommendation TDR Director approval of TSC recommendations

Within 2 weeks after approval from TDR Director Grants recipients notified

* All applications must be received by 15 June 2008*
* Terms and conditions for applications*

To apply for this grant, follow the Instructions for Applications when completing the application form. Two referees are required for each application. Applicants from countries requiring national endorsement should submit their application through proper government channels. All applicants should send a copy of their application to the WHO Representative's Office in their home country for information purposes.

For further information, please contact Dr Valaikanya Plasai at:

Dr Valaikanya Plasai
Training Manager (a.i), Empowerment
Special Programme for Research and
Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR)
World Health Organization
1211 Geneva 27

Tel: +41 22 791 2170
Fax: + 41 22 791 4774
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Several PhD positions in Optimization, KU Leuven, Belgium

website link:

The Optimization in Engineering Center OPTEC at K.U. Leuven (Belgium) invites highly motivated young interdisciplinary researchers with a solid background in numerical mathematics and computer science to apply for one of the following PhD or Post-doc positions:

* Optimal Control Methods for Application at a Central Receiver Thermal Power Plant (PhD or Post-doc Position)

Aim of the project is to develop and apply optimal control techniques suitable for the control tasks occuring in the central receiver thermal power plant built by the solar institute in Juelich.

Besides being a full member of the Optimization in Engineering Center OPTEC at K.U. Leuven, the Post-doc or PhD student will work in close collaboration with 4 partner groups in Germany that each have one three year position dedicated to the joint "virtual Institute on Central Receiver Power Plants, vICeRP" that was founded on January 29, 2008 (

A first task is to work on system modelling and formulation of the optimal control problems arising in control of the heliostats, the airflow in the central receiver, as well as the steam cycle of the power block of the plant. A second task is to extend existing optimal control algorithms, or to develop new ones when necessary, to make them suitable for the application to the solar power plant problems.

A good mathematical background with solid knowledge of numerical optimal control, and programming skills in C are a prerequisite, as well as a strong interest in application driven interdisciplinary work, cooperation skills and knowledge of English. Knowledge of German and Dutch can be an advantage.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl (E-mail:
* Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation for Fault Detection (PhD or Post-doc Position, 3 years)

Aim of the project is to develop and apply novel techniques for fault detection that are based on online optimization. Given a system model as well as the most current sensor data on a window in the past, the idea is to:
1. To find the most probable explanation for the observed data by online optimization of the system and disturbance model.
2. To give alarm if this best achievable explanation is still too improbable.

Besides being a full member of the Optimization in Engineering Center OPTEC at K.U. Leuven, the Post-doc or PhD student will work in very close collaboration with the Austrian Center of Competence in Mechatronics (ACCM) and the Institute for Design and Control of Mechatronical Systems (Prof. Del Re), both in Linz. Most application problems will come from within this center and its industrial partners.

A good background in control engineering, mathematics, or physics and solid knowledge of numerical methods and programming skills are a prerequisite, as well as a strong interest in application driven interdisciplinary work, cooperation skills and knowledge of English. Knowledge of German and Dutch is an advantage.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl (E-mail:
* Convex Dynamic Programming for Applications in Robust Model Predictive Control and State Estimation (PhD Position, 4 years)

The project shall explore a large but partly unexplored class of nonlinear optimal control systems that are connected by the fact that their dynamic programming (DP) cost-to-go is convex. Of this class the classical linear quadratic regulator (LQR), a linear control law, and the linear model predictive controller (MPC), a nonlinear control law, are the two best-known examples.

Full exploitation of convexity for more general control systems in this class shall lead to new and computational efficient convex dynamic programming methods. These can be used for exact and approximate computation of optimization based feedback controllers that are applicable in particular to uncertain systems, i.e., robust model predictive control. Here a dynamic min-max game with nature as the controllers adverse player needs to be solved, and which is computationally considerably more demanding than classical MPC.

The project shall investigate the two major questions: (a) What problem classes are covered by convex dynamic programming? and (b) How to represent and compute the convex cost-to-go efficiently? Finally, the concepts shall be transferred to the problem of state estimation, which in a Bayesian framework deals with probability densities instead of cost-to-go functions. The negative logarithm of these densities is in many cases convex, and can thus again be treated by convexity-based computational methods. The Kalman filter with its multidimensional Gaussian probability distribution is again only the simplest case of a considerably larger class of convex filters.

The outcome of the project shall be a sound theoretical framework for the understanding of control and estimation systems based on convex dynamic programming, along with new and efficient open-source algorithms ready for use in practical applications. The project can build on previous work in the group,

A solid background in mathematics and control engineering is a prerequisite, as well as a strong interest in theoretical convex optimization, set computations, and algorithm development. Knowledge of English is required, knowing Dutch is an advantage.

Contacts: Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl (E-mail:,
Prof. Dr. Carlos Dorea, OPTEC guest from Feb 2008-Feb 2009
* Optimization Methods for Distributed Model Predictive Control (PhD or Post-doc Position)

The position is part of a European project on hierarchical and distributed model predictive control with partners in Europe and the US (leaflet). The position at OPTEC has as its aim the development of decomposition methods, distributed state estimation and MPC. Work will be both on computational aspects - for example efficient distributed algorithms and implementations, online initialization for nonlinear optimization - as well as on convergence questions - for example: when does a distributed MPC protocol converge to the solution of the centralized MPC optimization problem?

A good background in control engineering, mathematics, or physics and solid knowledge of numerical methods in control and programming skills are a prerequisite, as well as a strong interest in application driven interdisciplinary work, cooperation skills and knowledge of English. Knowledge of Dutch is an advantage.

Contacts: Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl (E-mail:, Dr. Ion Necoara
* Optimization Based Control Design for Large-Scale Systems (PhD Position)

The aim of the project is to develop and implement optimization based methods for solving control design problems for large-scale systems. In the first stage of the project the emphasis is on developing polynomial type methods and algorithms and on solving fixed structure control design problems. As fixed structure design problems often lead to non convex problems, special attention will be paid to an appropriate problem formulation and to the use of convex relaxations (such as convex relaxations of non-convex sets, sum-of-squares relaxations of positive polynomials). In a next stage the obtained results will be adapted and extended towards large-scale systems, with particular attention on developing decentralized control schemes for interconnected and networked systems. These control schemes should translate global objectives (on agreement, performance, robustness, etc.) into local control, adapt easily to changes in the network and the environment, and scale well with the system or network size.

Depending of the interest of the candidate his / her individual PhD project can be steered in the direction of the design of optimization algorithms, the development of polynomial type methods for systems and control, or on control strategies for large-scale systems.

A background in numerical mathematics, control engineering and programming skills are a prerequisite, as well as an interest in application driven interdisciplinary work, good cooperation skills and knowledge of English.

Contact: Dr. Wim Michiels (E-mail:
* Optimal Motion Control for Machine Tools (PhD or Post-doc Position)

The goal of this research project is to develop efficient methods to optimize point-to-point motion trajectories for machine tools. Machine tools are mechatronic systems that can often be described by either a linear time-invariant (LTI) model or a linear parameter varying (LPV) model. The approach followed in this project is to combine existing classical cascade or robust linear time-invariant (LTI) controllers with optimized motion trajectories.

The motion trajectory design will be based on a framework that was recently developed within OPTEC, and that is a generalization of the work of Kwakernaak and Smit [1]. The basis is a polynomial spline of arbitrary order that is optimized with respect to some performance criteria, and subject to boundary constraints and bounds on the inputs, outputs, and state variables. A careful selection of performance criteria and constraints yields a convex program that can be solved efficiently, allowing us to calculate Pareto-optimal points for these typically multi-criteria optimization problems.

This framework will be further developed to account for system uncertainty (robust design) and large system dynamics changes that are typically described using linear parameter varying (LPV) models. Possibilities for extensions of the current convexity based optimization approaches in order to address fully nonlinear models shall also be investigated.

The emphasis of this project lies on the development of fast and reliable open-source algorithms to optimize these trajectories, the analysis of the trade-off between the different design parameters, e.g. level of continuity of the trajectories, time optimality, level of residual system vibrations, comparison with other existing motion trajectory parametrizations, and experimental validation on a linear motor based pick-and-place machine.

This research will be performed under the joint supervision of Professor Jan Swevers of the division PMA of the Mechanical Engineering Department ( and Professor Moritz Diehl of the division SCD of the Electrical Engineering Departement ( The work will profit from concerted programming efforts within the OPTEC team towards a suite of open-source optimal control software tools.

Candidates for this position (phd or post-doc) shall provide a detailed CV including names of at least two referees. A thorough background in control theory, dynamic optimization, and implementation of numerical algorithms is required. Please indicate your background with respect to these items clearly in your CV. Experience in the practical implementation of controllers is a benefit but not mandatory. However, interest for practical control implementation, programming, and team work is very important.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl (E-mail:

Besides a competitive salary we offer a stimulating research environment within our young but growing "Center of Excellence on Optimization in Engineering", or OPTEC. OPTEC is well connected internationally with several high ranking international visitors every month, and encompasses groups from four different departments of K.U. Leuven [Electrical Engineering (ESAT-SCD), Mechanical Engineering (MECH-PMA), Chemical Engineering (CHEM-BioTec) and Computer Science (CS-NATW)]. OPTEC combines altogether 20 professors, 12 postdocs, and more than 50 PhD students that jointly work on bringing state-of-the-art optimization methods together with real-world engineering applications.

Electronic applications (by holders of at least a masters degree) including a CV, certificates with high school and university marks in mathematics, physics and computer science, a list of publications, names of two possible references, and a brief description of your research interests are most welcome.

Please send them until June 15, 2008 to

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Vacant PhD Student position in Copenhagen

PhD Position Announcement
Copenhagen, Denmark

`Use of accurate meteorological forecasts in the future energy production system' :

A PhD study hosted by the Danish Meteorological Institute and the University of Copenhagen will investigate the use of accurate local numerical weather forecasts in relation to real time management of local energy units in the future energy production system. Special emphasis will be put on the prediction of surface solar radiation.

Application Deadline: 13th June 2008.

For further information, please go to: Continue Reading...

Friday, May 23, 2008


Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
August 6-23, 2008

Fieldwork is an endeavor to travel an unknown path. To reach the destination, the fieldworker collects many pieces of information and investigates what they mean. The compass is the fieldworker's concern and sensibility. There is no shortcut or fast track.

Another aspect of fieldwork is to immerse oneself in relationships with others. People in front of you are not simple objectives of research. The longer you stay in a location, the closer you become to them. "How do I relate with my host family, their neighbors, village officials or extension workers?" "How do I live in these relationships?" "What is development for me, and for the people in the community?" Fieldwork gives us many chances to think about these fundamental questions.

Join our Program! We guarantee that your experiences in the Program will become a firm foundation on which to build your future.

* Japan: Approximately 15 persons
The program is especially for the people who are interested in international development and want to improve the basic skills of fieldwork. All applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate school in Japan. Those who have been accepted by a graduate school in Japan but have not yet started their study are eligible to apply. Foreign students are welcomed.
* Indonesia: Approximately 5 persons
Applicants must have completed an undergraduate program. Priority will be given to those who are actively involved in community work. Age between 23 to 30 years old at the time of applying.

* Applicants in Japan: Wednesday, June 18, 2008
No screening interview. The result of screening will be sent by FASID to all applicants by 4th week of June.
* Applicants in Indonesia: Monday, June 23, 2008
Short-listed applicants will be invited to the screening interview in Makassar. Applicants outside Makassar will be interviewed by phone. The result of screening will be sent by MKS by mid-July only to the short-listed applicants.

* Application form
(Download at
* Essay
Explain your reasons for applying for the FASID Fieldwork Program. Demonstrate the connection between your interests and the program’s objectives and content. Write in English. Maximum 400 words.
* A photocopy of an English proficiency test score (eg. TOEFL , TOEIC, IELTS)
If you have not taken any proficiency tests, your English proficiency will be judged based on your self-evaluation in the application form.

Send your application materials by post to the following address.

* If you are applying in Japan:
Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID)
Att. Naomi Okiyama
Chiyoda-kaikan Bldg. 5F, 1-6-17 Kudan-minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074
Email: Tel.03 5226 0303 Fax.03 5226 0023

(Address in Japanese) 〒102-0074 東京都千代田区九段南1-6-17 千代田会館5F
財団法人国際開発高等教育機構(FASID) 事業部 沖山尚美

* If you are applying in Indonesia:
Media Kajian Sulawesi (MKS) Att. Armin Hari
Address: Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 9, No. 76, Tamalanrea Jaya, Makassar 90245
Email: Tel/Fax. (0411) 586459 Cell. 0813 4271 2551
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Thursday, May 22, 2008

60 PhD Scholarships for International Students, Zhejiang University, China

60 PhD Scholarships for International Students
Zhejiang University, China

60 fully-funded scholarships are provided by the Chinese Government and Zhejiang University jointly for prospective international students to study for Ph.D. Degrees at Zhejiang University.

Deadline : 20 Sep 2008

Basic Information on the Scholarships
The scholarships are provided by the Chinese Government and Zhejiang University jointly for prospective international students to study for Ph.D. Degrees at Zhejiang University.

60 scholarship students will be accepted for the fall semester of 2008 and spring semester of 2009;
Details: Awardees will be exempt from tuition and fees for registration, laboratory experiments, internship, basic learning materials, and intramural accommodation;
Living allowance: CNY 1,400 per month for doctoral students;
Fee for outpatient medical services and Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China: CNY 600 per person per annum;
A one-off settlement subsidy for new students after registration: CNY 600 per person.

Duration: The duration of the scholarship for all programs with English as the media of instruction is the same as the normal length of the specific programs.

An Overview of Zhejiang University
Zhejiang University is located in the coastal city of Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, which lies 180 km away from Shanghai, a metropolitan city in China.
The university is one of the few top-ranking research institutions of higher learning in China. It has a full coverage of disciplines in 11 major branches of Learning, Namely Philosophy, Literature, History, Education, Sciences, Economics, Law, Management, Engineering, Agriculture and Medicine. With a history of more than 80 years of graduate education, the university now offers 331 academic and professional Master�fs Degree programs and 283 Doctoral programs. Under its administration there are 14 Nation Key Laboratories, 2 National Engineering Research Centers and 3 National Engineering Technology Centers and 43 post-doctor stations. At present, the university has a full-time student body of over 39,000, with 22,900 undergraduates, over 15,700 Master�fs Degree students and over 6,600 Ph.D. candidates, and the university also has about 1,700 international students coming from over 100 countries.
A truly comprehensive institute with developing into a world-class institution as its goal, Zhejiang University aims to provide an outstanding education that will enable its students to build a future of professional, intellectual and personal success, capable of leadership in different areas. Equally important, however, is the role the university has been playing in research. With a faculty capable of top-level and large-scale research and a high proportion of graduate students, the university has been undertaking projects, both basic and applied, to address pressing issues of today and the future.

Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals and in good health.
Applicants must have a Master�fs Degree.
Applicants must be under the age of 40.
Applicants should have a competitive academic record.
Applicants should have strong scientific research ability.
Applicants must NOT be beneficiaries of any other kinds of sponsorships.

Language Used in Teaching
English is used as instructional language for programs in Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Economics, Business, and Medicines.

Application Materials: All applicants must fill in and provide the following materials truly and correctly.
The Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (Download) in Chinese or in English.
Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are university students or already employed, they should also provide documents of being university students or on-post employees. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
Applicants for doctoral studies need to provide notarized copies of their undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
A photocopy of the passport and a recent photo (white background, 35mm �~ 45mm in size).
A study or research proposal in Chinese or in English (no less than 800 words).
Two letters of recommendation from full professors or associate professors (in Chinese or English).
Published academic papers or other academic achievements (if applicable).
Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (printed by Chinese quarantine authority. Applicants are expected to keep the original copies) filled in English. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. The medical examination results will be valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration as they plan to take the medical examination.

Applicants should submit the above materials to the International College of Zhejiang University before May 30, 2008 for the programs starting in fall 2008 and before Sept. 20 2008 for those starting in spring 2009. Application materials will NOT be returned regardless of the result of application.

Choices of Programs
Please check the Major Doctoral Programs. Applicants are encouraged to contact their prospective supervisors at Zhejiang University prior to application and are expected to enclose in their application package the relevant recommendation letters written by those supervisors.

Approval and Notification
Zhejiang University will review all the application materials. Decisions for admission and for granting the scholarships will be made on the basis of the applicants�f competitiveness, academic and otherwise. Admission Notices and other relevant documents will be sent to the awardees.

Contact Information
International College of Zhejiang University:
Mr. YI Honghui
Email: ' ); document.write( addy_text46729 ); document.write( '' ); //-->\n ' ); //--> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ' ); //-->
Tel: +86 571 87953101
Fax: +86 571 87951755
Office of Degree Student Affairs, International College
Room 229, No. 31 Dorm, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University
Postal Address:
P.O. Box W-99, International College, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China 310027
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30 doctoral grants, Hausdorff Center for Mathemathics (Germany)

30 doctoral grants, Hausdorff Center for Mathemathics (Germany)
The Bonn International Graduate School in Mathematics (BIGS-Mathematics), embraced by the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, a Cluster of Excellence established within the German government's Excellence Initiative, offers a PhD program in mathematics based upon the well-known teaching and research tradition of the Department of Mathematics and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.
Next Deadline: 31 May 2008

Research topics for dissertations can be chosen from the following sections:-
Algebra and number theory (J. Franke, G. Harder, M. Rapoport, J. Schröer, C. Stroppel, D. Zagier)
Algebraic and arithmetic geometry (G.Faltings, G.Harder, D.Huybrechts, N. Perrin, M.Rapoport)
Differential geometry (W. Ballmann, U. Hamenstädt)

Discrete mathematics and complexity theory (S. Hougardy, M. Karpinski, B. Korte, T. Nieberg, N. Saxena, J. Vygen)
Global analysis (M. Lesch, W. Müller)
Mathematical models in the natural sciences (H.-W. Alt, J. Frehse, M. Griebel, F.Otto)
Moduli spaces (W. Ballmann, C.-F. Bödigheimer, G. Faltings, U. Hamenstädt, G. Harder, M. Marcolli, Y. Manin, S. Schwede, D. Zagier)

Numerical analysis (M. Griebel, R. Krause)

Partial differential equations (H.-W. Alt, J. Frehse, H. Koch, F. Otto, M. Rumpf, L. Székelyhidi)
Probability and statistics (S. Albeverio, A. Eberle, M. Karpinski, M. Schäl, K.-T. Sturm)
Pure and applied logic (M. Karpinski, P. Poepke)
Scientific computing (M. Griebel, H. Harbrecht, R. Krause, M. Rumpf)
Stochastic analysis (S. Albeverio, A. Eberle, F. Otto, K.-T. Sturm)
Topology (H.-J. Baues, C.-F. Bödigheimer, J. Hornbostel, M. Kreck, S. Schwede).

There are currently about 100 PhD students in the program, which offers a wide range of lecture courses, graduate seminars, research seminars, and winter/summer schools. The language of instruction is English. 30 doctoral grants (Hausdorff scholarships) of 1100 euros per month for a maximum of 3 years can be awarded, beginning April or October each year. The grants are supplied by a family allowance, if applicable. In addition, there are 8 qualifying grants of 800 euros per month for a qualifying year.

Applications are to be sent to: Prof. Dr. Carl-Friedrich Bödigheimer, Director of Graduate Studies, Universität Bonn, Mathematisches Institut, Beringstrasse 1, D-53115 Bonn, Germany.
Deadline for applications:
15 January anually for entry in april or October | 31 May anually for entry in October.
For more details and a list of required documents see:
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PhD in Biology, Max Planck Institute for Dev. Biology, Tuebingen, Germany

website link:

The International PhD program of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Developmental Biology and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory (FML) offers outstanding training in a broad spectrum of cutting-edge scientific research. The program provides students an interdisciplinary practical and theoretical training during their PhD research, particularly through common introductory courses, symposia and research seminars.
Subject areas

* Cell Biology
* Developmental Genetics
* Quantitative Genetics
* Evolutionary Biology
* Biochemistry
* Plant Development
* Bioinformatics
* Structural Biology

The majority of students coming to the institutes are funded by Max Planck Scholarships, which are initially awarded for a period of two years, with a common extension to a third year. In the fourth year, students are funded by the individual labs through other sources. Furthermore, students are encouraged to compete for scholarships from other funding agencies. There are no tuition fees associated with a PhD at the MPI for Developmental Biology or at the FML.
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cholarships Summer University of Istanbul (Turkey)

Call for Applications/ Scholarships Summer University of Istanbul
(Turkey) "The Relations Between EU and Turkey"

For the first time, Centre Internationale de Formation Européen organised from July 16 to August 4, 2007, the first summer session in Turkey in close cooperation with the European Institute of Istanbul Bilgi University.

Location: Istanbul Bilgi University / Dolapdere Campus
Language of Program: English
Dates: from July 15th to August 2nd, 2008.
Accomodation: Bilgi University's Student Dormitory at Bosphorous (Karakoy)
Curriculum Highlights: Students who successfully complete the program acquire 6 ECTS credits.
Program Value: The program is taught by academics from various European countries, as well as experts from research institutions and international organizations.
Eligible for application: Graduate students. We also consider application from students in their second and third year University studies and young professionals. The group will be composed of about 30 to 40 participants from Turkey and from abroad.
Subject Areas: EU Polity, Institutions, Decision making, EU Law, Common Market and Monetary Union, European Social Model and Sustainable Development, The EU policy system: A "Social Market Economy"?, EU and Enlargement, EU and New Neighbourhood Policy, Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), Turkey today: Culture, politics, social and economic structures, Turkish Foreign Policy– towards Middle East and Asia, The EU as a moving target for candidate countries: deepening, enlargement and "absorption capacity", EU and Turkey in International Organizations, Accession negotiations EU-Turkey , Europe in the long run: Where do we go?

Scholarships are available for qualified candidates.

Please address further requests to: :

Contact :
Marie-France PERDIGON
Director of the Summer University Programs

For the applications from Turkey
European Institute
Istanbul Bilgi University
Suna Gokce
Tel: 00902123116499

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The way to AMINEF in Gedung Balai Pustaka

American Indonesian Exchange Foundation
Balai Pustaka Building, 6th. Floor
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4
Jakarta 10720, Indonesia

1. The buses which goes to Senen Bus Station all of them pass through Gedung Balai Pustaka. Especially which route is through Pasar Baru .

2. Bus Transjakarta, from Blok M you have to change the bus 2-3 times.
Way 1 : from Blok M change the bus in Dukuh Atas bus stop to the bus towards Pulogadung, then take a bus in Pramuka bus stop towards Ancol, this bus pass through Gedung Balai Pustaka. The closest bus stop (Budi Utomo) is about 800 meters from Gedung Balai .
Way 2 : From Blok M take the bus in the Harmoni Bus Stop, the bus towards Pulogadung, get down in Senen Bus Stop and walk about 800 meters, or from this bus stop take the bus towards Ancol and get down as mentioned in way 1. About the distance, this two bus stops is about the same. (It is better if you take ojek or bajaj from this bus stop to Gedung Balai Pustaka)

3. If you take taxi with old tariff (TL=Tarif Lama) from blok M with no traffic jam is about Rp. 30.000,00.

4. From Blok M use bus Patas AC 76. Gedung Balai Pustaka is in the right side, after you pass through Depag, and say to conductor "Balai Pustaka"

5. Use a busway from Blok M towards Kota, get down in Sawah Besar bus stop. From here take a Mikrolet M12 towards Senen. After cross road Wahidin and before senen get down and cross the street.

Living Cost in Germany

Living Cost in Germany is vary from city to city, but this is th case if you stay in Aachen, Germany
Student accommodation or private sharing : 180 - 230 euros per month
Food : 10 - 12 euros per day (if eating outside)
Transport for students : free within Aachen and until Koln and Dusseldorf in regional trains)

Living Cost In Austria

Living Cost in Austria is depending on the city, for example the Capital of Austria, Vienna:
- Dormitory is about 250-400 euro per month.
- Living Cost 200-400 euro per month.
- Transportation 128 euro per 4 months (student and age < 26), or 49 euro per month (ordinary)

For visa, it has to be a letter from the University/Scholl in Austria. It takes about 2-3 months.

Where to do GMAT Test

GMAT Tests are held in Jakarta, Indonesia :
1. EEC Slipi +62-21 5320044 or +62-215323176
2. Kaplan GMAT Preparation +62-81388908450, +62-21 5211588, +62-215211701 (Information abaout this test can be asked in that number)
3. Or this number +62-213159225

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