Loughborough University International PhD Studentship in Structural Engineering Department of Civil and Building Engineering
Applications are invited for an international doctoral studentship in theDepartment of Civil and Building Engineering, Structures Group, leading tothe award of a PhD degree. The studentship is open to UK/EU students as wellas to international students. Fees could be paid at the internationalstudent rate for exceptional candidates. In addition, a £12,300 per annumtax free stipend for living expenses will be paid to the successfulcandidate . Applicants should have a minimum of a 2.1 honours degree (orequivalent) in civil engineering or related disciplines. Informal enquiriescan be made either to Professor Mohammed Raoof (01509 222610) or email:M.Raoof@lboro.ac.uk , or to Dr Jamal El-Rimawi (01509-222609) or email:J.A.El-Rimawi@lboro.ac.uk.
*Research topic available:
*Shear strength of FRP plated reinforced concrete beams.More information may be found athttp://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~cvmr6/Raoofcv.doc
Applicants should complete the standard PhD application form available from http://www.lboro.ac.uk/prospectus/pg/apply/index.html and submit withsupporting documents to:
Ms Helen Newbold, Research Administrator,
Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University,
Email: H.Newbold@lboro.ac.uk.
*Closing date: Monday, 18th February 2008.
*Applicants who previously applied for this research project may re-applyagain.